Yendred, the noted Punizlan philospher and writer, has, since his
return from a long sojourn with the mysterious figure Drabk, been the
author of numerous books, including 'A Circle of Circles,' an account
of his supposed interaction with beings from a three-dimensional
In it, he offers speculations on three-dimensional life, culture, and
philosophy, and details of how these strange beings accompanied him and
influenced his thought during his pilgrimage to the heights of Dahl
Radam to seek Drabk, the Sharak of Okbra. These days, Yendred has
achieved a certain eminence on his home planet of Ard. He has joined
the Punizlan Institute to expound and clarify Vanizlan philosophy, and
has extended many ordinary two-dimensional geometrical constructs to
higher dimensions. Many Punizlans are familiar with his curious
"Yen-diagrams," which he devised to aid in the visualization and
contemplation of the exotic geometry of three dimensions, using only
the ordinary two.
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