Hanan Lutfiyya
Department of Computer Science
The University of Western Ontario
Middlesex College Building, MC 418
London, Ontario CANADA N6A 5B7 Phone:
(519) 661-2111 (86888) Fax:
(519) 661-3515 Email:
hanan at csd dot uwo dot ca
My research broadly falls into distributed systems and
software engineering. More specifically I am interested in
systems management. Systems management refers to the
operation, administration and maintenance of a computing system.
The goal is to ensure that the system behaves as
expected with respect
to availability, performance and security - commonly known as Quality
of Service (QoS). We take system to include applications, services and
devices. The systems are distributed. The software
engineering aspect is with respect to how make software manageable.
For more information on my research and a list of selected
publications please go to my research lab's webpage.
You can also check out my CV.
If you are interested in being my graduate student please check this page.