Workshop on Cognitive Agents and Multi-Agent Interaction

A symposium at ICCS2001 (Aug 27-31, Beijing, China)

What's New:

A special issue of Cognitive System Research is planned for the selected papers accepted by the Workshop (to be edited by Charles Ling, Vasant Honavar, and Ron Sun).


Computational models of cognitive agents  that incorporate aspects of reactive,  deliberative, goal-driven, adaptive, autonomous,learning,  communicative, competitive, and collaborative behaviors and multi-agent  interaction provide an attractive paradigm for addressing foundational questions in  Cognitive Science.

Artificial intelligence, in its early days, started out with the goal of designing intelligent agents. However, faced with the enormous complexity of the task, the focus soon shifted to modelling specific aspects of intelligence, often in highly restricted domains. In recent years, some researchers have begun to focus on putting the pieces together with the goal of designing intelligent agents. There is also a growing interest in multi-agent systems that address aspects of coordination and communication among groups of agents.

On the other hand, historically, the main focus of research in Cognitive Science has been on specific components of cognition (e.g., perception,  memory, learning, language). Recent developments in computational modelling of cognitive  agents and multi-agent systems provide new avenues for addressing foundational questions in  Cognitive Science

Against this background, the workshop seeks to bring together cognitive scientists with diverse backgrounds and expertise to discuss research problems and exchange recent results that have broad implications for understanding cognition in computational terms at the whole systems level. We invite full papers, extended abstracts, or position papers on all aspects of cognitive agents and multi-agent  interaction  including, but not limited to:

The workshop is open to all members of the Cognitive Science community. However, the number of participants is  limited. Consequently, authors of accepted papers will be given priority in terms of attendance. All workshop participants must register for the Cognitive Science conference. The organizers will make a concerted effort to ensure a good mix of established researchers, graduate students and junior researchers with diverse backgrounds.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Instructions for Authors

Electronic submission (postscript, pdf, or MS Word) is strongly encouraged. Each paper will be refereed for technical soundness, relevance, significance, and clarity of presentation.


Prof. Vasant Honavar
Department of Computer Science
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011

Prof. Charles Ling
Department of Computer Science
University of Western Ontario

Prof. Ron Sun
CECS Department
University of Missouri-Columbia
201 Engineering Building West
Columbia, MO 65211-2060