Computer Science 411A/538A
Data Mining
Computer Science 411A/538A
Department of Computer Science
Sept-Dec 1999
... Constantly Under Construction, check often.
Dr. Charles Ling, Associate Professor
Office: Middlesex College 366; Phone: 661-3341
Office Hours: Monday and Friday, 3:00 - 5:00
Email of TAs: and
- Course Outline (postscript)
- Textbook feedbacks. Corrections,
comments, and suggestions on the textbook are encouraged
(maximum 2% bonus on final marks).
(Instruction: please check to see if your findings have been recorded
in this page. If not, please email yours to (TA) who
will update this page constantly.
- Copy of the textbook is on sell now. You can get one ($20) from
Huajie Zhang (TA) in MC 21, M-F, from 9 am to 5 pm. Ext 6242.
- The first chapter of the book (pdf file)
- Lecture notes for chapter 1 (Powerpoint
Slideshow file)
- Lecture notes for chapter 2 (Powerpoint
Slideshow file)
- Lecture notes for chapter 2 (zipped gif file of all slides)
- Here are postscript files of the missing pages (each file contains
4 pages due to the large size of the ps file):,,
- Lecture notes for chapter 3 (Powerpoint
Slideshow file)
- Lecture notes for chapter 3 (zipped gif file of all slides)
- Here are postscript files of the missing pages (each file contains
max 4 pages due to the large size of the ps file):,,,
- Assignment 1 (due Oct 15 by midnight; deposit in
the locker next to the Grad Club in MC ground floor.)
- Lecture notes for chapter 4 (Powerpoint
Slideshow file)
- Lecture notes for chapter 4 (zipped gif file of all slides)
- We jump to Chapter 7: Lecture notes for
chapter 7 (Powerpoint Slideshow file)
- Lecture notes for chapter 7 (zipped gif file of all slides)
- Important Note about the Midterm Exam (Friday, Oct 29, 1-3 pm):
The midterm will be held in a large room, SSC 2028, that fits all the
students. Therefore, all student should go to SSC 2028 for the midterm.
Also note the lecture notes for Chapter 7 have been updated (including
midterm coverage, and new slides on decision trees).
- Lecture notes for
chapters 8 and 6 (Powerpoint Slideshow file)
and (zipped gif file of all slides)