CS2214A: Discrete Structures for Computing, Fall 2020

Lecture slides, recommended readings and supplementary materials

Maths with Fun

  • Knights and Knaves:
    Some remote island is populated by two kinds of people: knights, who always tell the truth, and knaves, who always lie.
    Suppose you met two islanders, call them A and B, and you hear A saying "at least one of us is a knave".
    Can you tell which of A and B is a knight and which is a knave?

  • "If pigs can fly, then 2 + 2 = 4."
    True or False?

    "If pigs can fly, then 2 + 2 = 5."
    True or False?

  • Bertrand Russell and the Pope:
    "If 2 + 2 = 5, then I am the Pope."
    True or False?

  • Logic and Proof FUNdamentals


  • An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments

  • Raymond Smullyan's puzzles

Tentative Assignment and Test Schedule

Assignment 1 with solutions Mon Sept. 23Tu. Oct. 1, 23:555%
Assignment 2 with solutions Mon. Oct. 7Tu. Oct. 15, 23:555%
Assignment 3 with solutions Mon. Oct. 21Fr. Nov. 1, 23:555%
Midterm Exam with solutions Mon. Oct. 28 25%
Assignment 4 with solutions Mon. Nov. 11Tu. Nov. 19, 23:555%
Assignment 5 with solutions We. Nov. 20Mo. Dec. 1, 23:555%
Final ExamTBA 50%

Teaching Crew and Hours

  • Instructor
    Marc Moreno Maza, Professor
    email: moreno@csd.uwo.ca

    Lecture hours: Mondays (9:30-11:30, UCC-56), Tuesdays (11:30-12:30, SEB-1059) and Wednesdays (10:30 to 11:30, NS-7)

    Office: Middlesex College, Room 327
    Office hours: Tuesdays, 13:30 to 15:20

  • Teaching Assistants
    NameOffice/Tutorial HoursRoom
    MOHAJERANI, Davood Thursday 13:30-14:30 MC 4A
    ASADI, Mohammadali Tuesday 12:30-13:30 MC 4A
    TALAASHRAFI, DelaramFriday 15:30-16:30 MC 4A


A course forum and feedback polls will be available at OWL.

Course Outline: [pdf]