Welcome to CS3350, 2018!
- Jan. 5: First lecture (4:30-5:30pm, Tuesday, Jan. 8).
- Jan. 19: Assignment 1 has been posted.
- Jan. 22: Assignment 1: corrections have been made (marked in red).
- Jan. 24: Assignment 1: aditional corrections have been made (marked in red).
- Jan. 25: Quiz 1 will take place in class.
- Feb. 6: Assignment 2 has been posted.
- March. 9: Assignment 3 has been posted.
- March. 25: Assignment 4 has been posted.
Lecture slides, recommended readings and supplementary materials
- Lectures:
- Lecture 1: [pdf] Introduction, motivation and work plan
- Lecture 2: [pdf] CPU Performance and Profiling
- Lectures:
- Lecture 3.1: [pdf] Memory hierarchy: what and why?
- Lecture 3.2: [pdf] Memory hierarchy: how?
- Lectures:
- Lecture 4.1: [pdf] MIPS Introduction
- Assignment 1 has been posted and Quiz 1 is held on Thursday.
- Lectures:
- Lecture 4.2: [pdf] MIPS Instruction Representation
- Lecture 4.3: [pdf] MIPS Procedures and Compilation
- Lectures:
- Lecture 5.1: [pdf] Synchronous Digital Systems.
- Lecture 5.2: [pdf] State Circuits:
Circuits that Remember.
- Lectures:
- Lecture 5.3: [pdf] Representations of Combinational Logic Circuits.
- Lecture 5.4: [pdf] Combinational Logic Blocks.
- Lecture 5.5: [pdf] Single-Cycle CPU Datapath Design
- Lectures:
- Lecture 5.6: [pdf] Single-Cycle CPU:
Datapath Control (Part 1).
- Lecture 5.7: [pdf] Single-Cycle CPU:
Datapath Control (Part 2).
- Lectures:
- Lecture 6.1: [pdf] Fundamentals of
Instructional Level Parallelism.
- Lecture 6.2: [pdf] Instructional Level Parallelism:
Hazards and Resolutions.
- Lecture 6.3: [pdf] Instructional Level Parallelism:
Advanced Techniques.
- Lectures:
- Lecture 7.1: [pdf] Multicore: Basics and Key Issues.
- Lecture 7.2: [pdf] Multicore TLP (1).
- Multicore programming in CilkPlus: [pdf]
- Lectures:
- Lecture 8.1: [pdf] An Overview of General Purpose Graphics Processing Units.
- Lecture 8.2: [pdf] Efficient Usage of GPUs Memory Hierrachy:
Lesson Learning through Matrix Transposition.
Homework and Schedule
Note: Exercises and assignments will be posted via OWL.
Tentative Assignment, Quiz and Test Schedule
Teaching Crew and Hours
- Instructor
Prof. Marc Moreno-Maza
email: moreno@csd.uwo.ca
Lecture hours: 4:30-5:30pm on Tuesdays, 3:30-5:30pm on Thursdays
Lecture room: MC 105B
Office: Middlesex College, Room 327
Office hours: 13:30-15:20pm on Tuesdays
- Teaching Assistants
Name | Office/Tutorial Hours | Room |
Alexader Brandt | Thursdays,13:30 to 14:30 | MC4A |
Davood Mohajerani | Tuesdays, 17:30 to 18:30 | MC4A |
Mingda Sun | Wednesdays, 13:30 to 14:30 | MC4A |
A course forum and feedback polls will be available at OWL.