With the increasing size and complexity of next-generation communication networks, it is critical to utilize interactive visualizations to support the monitoring, planning, and management of networks. Effectively visualizing large-scale networks is difficult with traditional methods because of the high link density and complex node relationships. Given the limited screen space, to assist Internet Service Provider's (ISP) network planning and management activities, investigating how to present ultra-large-scale network data efficiently is crucial. This paper presents a real-time interactive visualization system that combines the design strategies of progressive disclosure and multiple panels to elegantly visualize the large-scale networks and avoid the information-overload problem. The system also visualizes the configuration of the network elements and provides the network performance information, including the port-level Quality of Service (QoS) metrics. Furthermore, the system enables navigation through the port-level connection and provides different modes for multiple purposes.
Design of Interactive Visualizations for Next-Generation Ultra-Large Communication Networks
in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 26968-26982