Curriculum Vitae
Awards and Patents
- Best Student Paper
Award (CASCON 2017 Conference)
Research “IBM CAS Faculty Fellow of the Year”, (2015).
- IBM CAS Research "Project of the Year
Award" for the project "Framework for the Deployment of Legacy
Enterprise Services Utilizing the REST Protocol" (2013)
- Decade's
High Impact Paper (period 1991- 2010) for the ACM CASCON Conference paper,
K.Kontogiannis, J.Martin, K.Wong, R.Gregory*, H.Muller, J.Mylopoulos. 1998,
"Code Migration Through Transformations: An
Experience Report''.
- Most
Influential Paper Award (period 2000 – 2010) in IEEE Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering for the paper, Balazinska, E. Merlo, M.
Dagenais; B. Lague, K. Kontogiannis, 2000, "Advanced Clone-analysis
to Support Object-oriented System Refactoring".
- IBM Fellowship Award (2004).
- IBM University Partnership Awards (2000, 2001, 2002)
- Canada Foundation for Innovation (1998, 1999, 2000).
- Member, IEEE Distinguished Visitors Program (2003-2005).
- University of Waterloo Performance Award (2000).
- IBM Canada Ltd. US 20080276229 A1, “INCREMENTAL MODEL
MODEL DRIVEN ARCHITECTURE” (with student I. Ivkovic* (2008).
- IBM Canada Ltd. CA 2465155 and US 20080147981 A1,
C. Mills, and D. Crick, M. Tang). (2008).
Selected Research
- Jan. 2021
- Dec. 2023, "CyPreSS: Software Techniques for the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems
”, Ontario Research Fund - Round 10. (abstract)
- Jan. 2020
- Dec. 2022, "Continuous Compliance Data Science for Software Systems
”, IBM, Research Center For Advanced Studies. (abstract)
- Nov. 2017
- Oct. 2021, "Middleware Framework and Programming Infrastructure for IoT Services
”, NSERC Strategic Grant (SGP). (abstract)
- Jan. 2020
- Dec. 2022, "DevOps Analytics Frameworks for Continuous Delivery and Deployment
”, IBM, Research Center For Advanced Studies. (abstract)
- Jan. 2015
- Dec. 2015, "Resource Oriented Hypermedia
”, IBM, Research Center For Advanced Studies.
- Jan. 2011
- Aug. 2015, "Compliance Monitoring and Analysis Techniques for multi-tier
Systems”, European Union, and GSRT Greece. (abstract)
- Nov. 2014
- Dec. 2015,“Framework for the Deployment and Use of Enterprise
Services Utilizing the REST Protocol and Software Engineering in ROH
(Resource Oriented Hypermedia) for Interaction Model” (IBM CAS
Research). (abstract)
- Jan. 2010
- Dec. 2014 ,“Framework for the Integration of Enterprise Services
Using the REST Protocol” (IBM CAS Research). (abstract)
- Jan. 2009 - Feb. 2012: “Software
Analysis and Monitoring Techniques for Bridging the Gap Between Business
Processes and Run-time Models in Service Oriented Applications”,
Computer Associates (CA), UK. (abstract)
- Jan. 2006 - Dec. 2011: “Logging,
Monitoring and Diagnosis Systems for Enterprise Software
Applications”, Computer Associates (CA), US. (abstract)
- Jan. 2007 - Dec. 2009: “Requirements
Driven Model Refactoring and Evolution for Service Oriented
Systems”, IBM, Canada. (abstract)
- Jan. 2006 - Jan 2008: "Service Discovery and Composition in
Carrier Applications, NORTEL, (abstract)
- CS
2212A/B Introduction to Software Engineering
- CS 1027
Computer Science Fundamentals II
- CS
4427B Software Testing and Quality Assurance
- CS9831
Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems
Recent Publications
Book Chapters
- “Mining Software Logs for Goal-Driven Root Cause
Analysis”, H. Zawawy, S. Mankovskii, K. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos,
2015. In book “The Art and Science of Analyzing Software
Data”, eds. C. Bird, T. Menzies, T. Zimmermann, Waltham: Morgan
Kaufmann, 2015, pp. 519-554.
- “Considerations of Adapting Service-offering Components to
RESTful Architectures”, M. Athanasopoulos,
K. Kontogiannis, 2012. In book “Migrating to SOA and Cloud
Environments: Challenges in Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud
Computing Environments”, eds. A. D. Ionita,
G. Lewis and M. Litoiu, IGI Global (2013). (pdf)
- “Techniques for Software Maintenance”, Kontogiannis,
2011. In Encyclopedia of Software Engineering. Taylor and Francis
Publishers, 2011. (pdf)
- “Software
Architecture Analysis and Reconstruction”, K. Sartipi, K. Kontogiannis. In book "Managing
Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance". Idea Group Publishing, Hershey ,
PA ,
USA . pp.175-183, 2004. (pdf)
- “Re-engineering Legacy Systems to Web-enabled Environments",
Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis, In book "Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and
Maintenance”, Idea Group
Publishing, Hershey , PA , USA . pp. 138-146, 2004. (pdf)
- “Computer Aided Software Engineering”, L. Tahvildari,
K. Kontogiannis. Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
John Webster editor. John Willey & Sons, 2003. (pdf)
- “Towards Environment Re-targetable Parser
Generators”, K. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos, S. Wu. In Advances in
Software Engineering: Topics in Comprehension, Evolution, and Evaluation,
Springer-Verlag , New York
, 2001 pp.407-437.(pdf)
Journal Publications
- T. Kalamatianos,
K. Kontogiannis, 2017, “ Distributed analysis and filtering of application event streams
”, In Journal of Systems and Software,
Elsevier, vol. 129, pp. 1-25. (pdf)
- I. Stavropoulou, M.
Grigoriou, K. Kontogiannis, 2017, “ Case Study on which Relations to
Use for Clustering-Based Architecture Recovery ”, In Journal of
Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, pp. 1-46. (pdf)
- G. Chatzikonstantinou, K.
Kontogiannis, 2016, “ Efficient Parallel Reasoning on Fuzzy Goal
Models for Runtime Requirements Verification ”, In Journal of
Software and Systems Modeling, Elsevier, pp. 1-26. (pdf)
- G. Chatzikonstantinou, K.
Kontogiannis, 2016, “Run-Time Requirements Verification for
Reconfigurable Systems”, In Journal of Information and Software
Technology, Elsevier No.75, pp.105-121. (pdf)
- M. Athanasopoulos, K.
Kontogiannis, 2015, “Extracting REST Resource Models from
Procedure-oriented Service Interfaces”, In Journal of Systems and
Software, Elsevier, Vol. 100, Feb. 2015, pp. 149-166. (pdf)
- I. Ivkovic, K.
Kontogiannis, 2006, “Towards Automatic Establishment of Model
Dependencies Using Formal Concept Analysis”. In International
Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 4,
pp.499-522. (pdf)
- L. Tahvildari, K.
Kontogiannis, 2004, “Improving Design Quality Using Meta-Pattern
Transformations: A metric-Based Approach”. In Journal of Software
Maintenance and Evolution. Volume 16, Issue 4-5, July-October 2004,
pp.331-361. (pdf)
- K. Sartipi, K.
Kontogiannis, 2003, “A User-Assisted Approach to Component
Clustering”. In Journal of Software Maintenance Research and
Practice, John Willey & Sons. Volume 15, Issue 4, pp.265-295. (pdf)
- L. Tahvildari, K.
Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos, 2003,
“Quality Driven Software Reengineering”. In Journal of Systems and Software,
Vol. 66, No. 3 Elsevier 2003, pp.225-239. (pdf)
- T. Lau, J. Lu, J. Mylopoulos,
K. Kontogiannis, 2003, “The Migration of Multi-tier E-commerce
Applications to an Enterprise Java Environment”. In Information Systems
Frontiers, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2003), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.149-160. (pdf)
- D. Rayside, K.
Kontogiannis, 2002, “Extracting Java Library Subsets for Deployment
on Embedded Systems”. In Journal Science of Computer Programming,
Elsevier Publishing, The Netherlands, pp.245-270. (pdf)
- W. Kou, D. Lauzon, W. O'Farrell, T.L. See, D. Wee,
D. Tan, K. Cheung, R. Gregory, K. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos,
2000, “End-to-end E-commerce Application Development Based on XML
Tools”. In
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 23(1), pp.29-36. (pdf)
- P. Finnigan, R. Holt, I. Kalas, S. Kerr, K. Kontogiannis, H. Muller, J. Mylopoulos, S. Perelgut, M.
Stanley, K. Wong, 1997, “The Software Bookshelf”. In IBM
Systems Journal, Vol. 36, No.4, 1997, pp.564-594. (pdf)
- K. Kontogiannis, R. DeMori,
E. Merlo, M. Galler, and M.Bernstein,
1996, “Pattern Matching Techniques for Clone Detection”. In Journal
of Automated Software Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.
3. pp.77-108. (pdf)
- E. Buss, R. DeMori, M.
Gentleman, J. Henshaw, H. Johnson, K. Kontogiannis, E. Merlo, H. Muller,
J. Mylopoulos,
S. Paul, A. Prakash, M. Stanley, S. Tilley, J. Troster,
and K. Wong, 1994,
“Investigating Reverse Engineering Technologies for the CAS
program Understanding Project”. In IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp.477-500. (pdf)
- E. Merlo, P.Y Gagnie, J.F Girard, K.
Kontogiannis, L. Hendren, P. Panangaden,
R. DeMori, 1995. “Re-engineering User
Interfaces”. In IEEE Software, January 1995,
pp.64–73. (pdf)
Refereed Publications in Special Volumes
- Kontogiannis, R. Gregory, 2001,
“Customizable Service Integration in Web-Enabled Environments”. In Lecture Notes in Computer
Science LNCS vol. 1999, Springer-Verlag, pp.
227–243. (pdf)
- Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis, 2001, “Migrating
and Specifying Services for Web Integration”. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science
LNCS vol. 1999, Springer-Verlag 2001,
pp.244–260. (pdf)
Refereed Conference Publications (Full technical research papers)
- M. Grigoriou,
K. Kontogiannis, A. Giammaria, C. Brealey, 2020
“ Report on Evaluation Experiments Using
Different Machine Learning Techniques for Defect Prediction ”
In Proc. 30th CASCON Conference,
Toronto, ON. Nov. 2020.
- M. Bachras,
K. Kontogiannis, 2020
“Goal Modelling Meets Service Choreography: A Graph
Transformation Approach ”
In Proc. 24th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing
Conference, EDOC 2020, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 5-8, pp. 30-39.
- K. Tatsi,
K. Kontogiannis, 2017,
“Assisting Developers Towards Fault Localization by Analyzing Failure
”, In Proc. CASCON 2017, pp. 56-65 (Note: Best student paper award).
- G. Chatzikonstantinou,
M. Athanasopoulos, K. Kontogiannis, 2014,
“Task Specification and Reasoning in Dynamically Altered
Contexts”, In Proc. of 25th International Conference on Advanced
Information Systems Engineering, (CAiSE’14), Thessaloniki, Greece,
pp. 625-639. (pdf)
- T. Kalamatianos*, K. Kontogiannis, 2014, “Schema Independent
Reduction of Streaming Log Data”, In Proc. of 25th
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering,
(CAiSE’14), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 394-408,
- "A Goal Driven Framework for Software Project Data
Analytics", G. Chatzikonstantinou, K.
Kontogiannis, M. Attarian, 2013. In Proc. of 25th International
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, (CAiSE'13),
Valencia, Spain, pp.546-561. (acceptance rate approx. 18%) (pdf)
- "Domain Independent Event Analysis for Log Data
Reduction", T. Kalamatianos, K. Kontogiannis,
P. Matthews, 2012. In. Proc. of the 36th IEEE International
Computers, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'12), Izmir,
Turkey, pp.350-365 (pdf)
- “Partial Evaluation for Model Transformations
”, A. Razavi, K. Kontogiannis. In Proc. of IEEE
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'12), Zurich,
Switzerland pp.562-572) (pdf)
- “Requirements-Driven Root Cause Analysis Using Markov Logic
Networks”, H. Zawawy, K. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos (2012).
In Proc. of 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering, (CAiSE’12), Gdansk, Poland, pp.350-365. (acceptance
rate approx. 17%) (pdf)
- “Towards a Requirements-Driven Framework for Detecting
Malicious Behavior Against Software Systems”, H. Zawawy*, K.
Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos, S. Mankovskii, 2011,In Proc. of ACM/CASCON
Conference, Toronto, ON, 2011, pp. 15-29 (pdf)
- “Identification of REST-like Resources from Legacy Service
Descriptions”, M. Athanassopoulos*, K. Kontogiannis, 2010. In
Proc. of IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE/10), Oct.
2010, Boston, MA. USA, pp. 215-219, (pdf)
- “Log Filtering and Interpretation for Root Cause
Analysis”, H. Zawawy*, K. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos, 2010.
In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
(ICSM’10), Timisoara, Romania, Sept. 2010, pp. 1-5. (pdf)
- “Incremental Model Synchronization in Model Driven
Development Environments”, A. Razavi*, K. Kontogiannis, C.
Brealey, L. Nigul, 2009. In Proc. of 19th ACM/IBM CASCON Conference 2009:
210-224. (pdf)
- “ProtoTalk: A Generative Software Engineering Framework for
Prototyping Protocols in Smalltalk” – (Note: Best student paper award),
A. Razavi*, K. Kontogiannis, 2009. In Proc. of 33rd IEEE COMPSAC 2009:
435-442, Seattle, USA. (pdf)
- “Pattern and Policy Driven Log Analysis for Software
Monitoring”, A. Razavi*,K. Kontogiannis, 2008. In Proc. of
the 32nd IEEE COMPSAC 2008: 108-111, Turku, Finland. (pdf)
- "Challenges and opportunities related to the design,
deployment and, operation of Web Services”, K. Kontogiannis, 2008.
In 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance ICSM,
FoSM track, October 2008, Beijing, China, pp. 11 – 20. (pdf)
- “A Framework for Software Architecture Refactoring using
Model Transformations and Semantic Annotations”, I. Ivkovic, K.
Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Software
Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’06) pp.144-153. (pdf)
17. “Using Formal Concept Analysis to Establish
Model Dependencies”, I. Ivkovic, K. Kontogiannis. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Technology
(ITCC’05) pp. 365-372. (pdf)
16. ``An XML–based Framework for Language Neutral
Program Representation and Generic Analysis’’, R. Ekram, K.
Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance and
Re-engineering (CSMR’05) pp. 42-51. (pdf)
17. “Model Driven Business Process Recovery”, Y.
Zou, T. Lau, K. Kontogiannis, T. Tong, R. McKegney. In Proceedings of the
IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, November 2004, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands pp.224-233 (pdf)
- “Developing a multi-objective
decision approach to select source-code improving
transformations’’, L. Tahvildari, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software
Maintenance (ICSM’04), September 2004, Chicago pp. 427-431. (pdf)
- “Tracing Evolution Changes of Software Artifacts through
Model Synchronization”, I. Ivkovic,
K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM’04), September 2004, Chicago (pdf)
- “Refactoring Web Sites to the Controller-centric
Architecture”, Y. Ping, K. Kontogiannis, T. Lau. In
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance and
Re-engineering 2004, Tampere
, Finland pp.204-213.
- “Source Code Modularization Using Lattice of Concept
Slices”, R. Ekram, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-engineering 2004, Tampere , Finland pp. 195-203. (pdf)
- “m-Roam:
A Service Invocation and Roaming Framework for Pervasive Computing”,
A. Chin, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the The 18th IEEE International Conference
on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA’04) December
pp. 385-392. (pdf)
- “Semantic Web Data Description and Recovery”, R.
Bannon, K. Kontogiannis. In post conference proceedings of the IEEE
Software Technology and Engineering Practice Conference STEP’03),
September 2003, Amsterdam
, The Netherlands pp. 143-152. (pdf)
- “Transforming Legacy Applications to the MVC
Architecture”, Y. Ping, K. Kontogiannis, T. Lau. In post
conference proceedings of the IEEE Software Technology and Engineering
Practice Conference STEP’03), September 2003, Amsterdam , The Netherlands pp. 133-142.
- “Incremental Transformation of Procedural Systems to Object
Oriented Platforms”, Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis. In proceedings of
the IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference
(COMPSAC’03), November 2003, Dallas
TX . pp.290-295. (pdf)
- “On Modeling Software Architecture Recovery as Graph
Matching”, K. Sartipi, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, (ICSM’03)
September 2003, Amsterdam
, The Netherlands pp.224-234. (pdf)
- “A Metric-Based Approach to Enhance Design Quality Through
Meta-Pattern Transformations”, L. Tahvildari, K.
Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference of Software
Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’03), March 2003, Benevento , Italy pp.183-192. (pdf)
- “Quality Driven Transformation Compositions for Object
Oriented Migration”, Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings
of the IEEE Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC’02)
December 2002, Brisbane
, Australia pp.346-355.
- “A Methodology for Developing Transformations Using Maintainability
Soft-Goal Graphs”, L. Tahvildari, K. Kontogiannis. In
Proceedings of the IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
(WCRE’02), October 2002, Richmond, Virginia pp.77-86. (pdf)
- “A Software Transformation Framework for Quality-Driven
Object-Oriented Re-engineering”, L. Tahvildari, K.
Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM’02) October 2002, Montreal , Canada
pp.596-605. (pdf)
- “Migration to Object Oriented Platforms: A State
Transformation Approach”, Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis. In
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance,
(ICSM’02) October 2002, Montreal
, Canada pp.
530 – 539. (pdf)
- “On the role of services in enterprise
application integration”, K.
Kontogiannis, D. Smith, L.
O'Brien. In Proceedings of the Software Technology and Engineering
Practice, 2002. STEP 2002., 6-8 Oct. 2002 pp.:103 – 113. (pdf)
- “A Generic Worklist Algorithm for Graph Reachability Problems
in Program Analysis”, D. Rayside, K. Kontogiannis. In
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance and
Reengineering (CSMR’02) February 2002, Budapest , Hungary
pp. 67-76. (pdf)
- “On the Role of Design Patterns in Quality Driven
Re-engineering”, L. Tahvildari, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’02)
February 2002, Budapest
, Hungary pp.230-240.
- “A Framework for Migrating Procedural Code to Object Oriented
Platforms”, Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the
IEEE Asian Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC’01)
December 2001, Hong Kong, China pp. 390-399. (pdf)
- “A Graph Pattern Matching Approach to Software Architecture
Recovery”, K. Sartipi, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM’01)
November 2001, Florence Italy, pp. 408 – 418. (pdf)
- “Requirements-Driven Software Reengineering Framework”,
L. Tahvildari, K. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos. In Proceedings of
the IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE’01) October
2001, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 71-80. (pdf)
- “Component Clustering Based on Maximal Association”, K.
Sartipi and K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE’01) October 2-5, 2001,
Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 103-114. (pdf)
- “On the Syllogistic Structure of Object-Oriented
Programming”, D. Rayside, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of
23rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE’01) May 2001, Toronto, ON, pp. 113-122. (pdf)
- “i-Cube: A Tool-set for the Dynamic Extraction and
Integration of Web Data Content”, F. Poon, K. Kontogiannis, In
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Commerce,
published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 2040, Hong Kong,
April, 2001, pp. 98 – 115. (pdf)
- “Migration and Web-Based Integration of Legacy
Services”, Y. Zou and
K. Kontogiannis. In
Proceedings of CASCON’00 November 2000, Toronto ON. pp. 262-272. (pdf)
- “A Maintainability Model for Industrial Software Using Design
Level Metrics”, S. Muthanna, K. Kontogiannis, K. Ponnambalam,
B. Stacey. In Proceedings of IEEE Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering (WCRE’00) November 2000, Brisbane Australia , pp. 248-255.
- “Towards Portable Source Code Representations Using
XML”. E. Mamas, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of IEEE
Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE’00) November 2000, Brisbane Australia , pp.172-182. (pdf)
- “Advanced
Clone-analysis to Support Object-oriented System Refactoring”, M. Balazinska, E.
Merlo , M.
Dagenais; B. Lague, K.
Kontogiannis, In Proceedings of the Working Conference on
Reverse Engineering, 2000 (WCRE 200) November 2000, Brisbane Australia , pp. :98
– 107. (pdf)
- “Web-based Legacy System Migration and Integration”, Y.
Zou, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of 4th World
Conference on Cyberbernetics, Systemics, and Informatics (SCI’00)
August 2000, Orlando Florida, USA, pp. 254-259. (pdf)
- “A Pattern Matching Framework for Software Architecture and
Recovery”, K.Sartipi, K.Kontogiannis, F. Mavaddat. In
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Program Comprehension
(IWPC’00) June 2000, Limerick, Ireland, pp.
37-47. (pdf)
- “The Effect of Call Graph Construction Algorithms for Object
Oriented Programs on Automatic Clustering”, D. Rayside, S.
Reuss, E. Hedges, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of International
Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC’00) June 2000, Limerick,
Ireland, pp. 191–200. (pdf)
- “Architectural Design Recovery Using Data Mining
Techniques”, K. Sartipi, K. Kontogiannis, F. Mavaddat. In
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-engineering
(CSMR’00) March 2000, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 129-141. (pdf)
- “Measuring Clone Based Reengineering
Opportunities”, M. Balazinska, E. Merlo , M. Dagenais, B. Lague, K. Kontogiannis.
In Proceedings of the International Software Metrics Symposium, 1999.
Proceedings. November 1999,
pp.:292 – 303. (pdf)
- “Partial Redesign of Java Software Systems
Based on Clone Analysis”, M.
Balazinska, E. Merlo , M. Dagenais, B.
Lague, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the Working Conference on
Reverse Engineering, 1999. (WCRE’99). October, 1999 pp.:326 – 336. (pdf)
- “An Approach for Measuring Software Evolution Using Source
Code Features”, L. Tahvildari, R. Gregory, K.
Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Asian Pacific Software Engineering
Conference (APSEC’99) December 1999, Takamatsu, Japan, pp. 20-31. (pdf)
- “Migration of Procedural Systems to Network-Centric
Environments”, P.Patil, Y.Zou, K. Kontogiannis, J.
Mylopoulos. In Proceedings CASCON’99, Toronto ON .
November, 1999, pp. 68-82. (pdf)
- “Evidence Driven Object Identification in Procedural
Systems”, K. Kontogiannis, P.Patil. In Proceedings of IEEE
Conference on Software Technology and Engineering Practice (STEP’99)
September 1999, Pittsburgh PA. pp. 12-21. (pdf)
- “Extracting Java Library Subsets for Deployment on Embedded
Systems”, D. Rayside, K. Kontogiannis, IEEE International
Conference on Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR’99) March 1999, Amsterdam , The Netherlands ,
pp. 102-110. (Note: Paper
received the best paper award). (pdf)
- “Code Migration Through Transformations: An Experience
Report”, K.Kontogiannis, J.Martin, K.Wong, R.Gregory, H.Muller,
J.Mylopoulos. In Proceedings of CASCON'98, Toronto ON .
December 1998, pp. 1-12. (Note: Paper received the best
paper-award). (pdf)
- “Change and Adaptive Maintenance Detection in Java Software
Systems”, D. Rayside, S. Kerr, K. Kontogiannis, In
Proceedings of IEEE International Working Conference on Reverse
Engineering (WCRE’98) October1998, Honolulu, Hawaii, pp. 10-19. (pdf)
- “Evaluation Experiments on the Detection of Programming
Patterns Using Software Metrics”, K. Kontogiannis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE’97) October 1997, IEEE
Computer Society Press, held in Amsterdam
, The Netherlands
, pp. 44-54. (pdf)
- “A Generic Integration Architecture for Cooperative
Information Systems”, John Mylopoulos, Avi Gall, Kostas Kontogiannis,
and Martin Stanley. In
Proceedings of the conference of Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS
'96) June 1996, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 208-217. (pdf)
- “Pattern Matching for Design Concept Localization”,
Kontogiannis, K., DeMori, R., Merlo
, E., Bernstein, M., Galler, M. In Proceedings of the IEEE Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'95) July 1995, Toronto , ON .
pp. 96-103. (pdf)
- “Towards an Integrated Toolset for Program
Understanding”, Mylopoulos, J., Stanley , M., Wong, K., Bernstein M.,
DeMori, R., Ewart G., Kontogiannis, K., Merlo , E., Muller, H., Tilley, S., Tomic,
M. In Proceedings of
CASCON'94, November 1994, Toronto
, ON . pp. 19-31. (pdf)
- “Localization of Design Concepts in Legacy Systems”,
Kontogiannis, K., DeMori R., Bernstein, M. In Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM’94) September
1994 Victoria.BC, pp. 414-423. (pdf)
- “Reverse Engineering of User Interfaces”, Merlo , E., Girard,
J.F., Kontogiannis, K., Panangaden, P., DeMori, R. In Proceedings of the IEEE Working
Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'93) May 1993, Baltimore Maryland ,
pp.171-179. (pdf)
1. Distante, Kenny
Wong, Kostas Kontogiannis: 15th IEEE Symposium on Web Systems Evolution (WSE
2. Magiel Bruntink,
Kostas Kontogiannis: Fifth International Workshop on System Quality and Maintainability.
(CSMR 2011).
3. Holger M. Kienle, Giuseppe A. Di Lucca, Kostas Kontogiannis: Intl. Journal of Software Evolution and
Process, Special issue: selected papers from the 12th International Symposium
on Web Systems Evolution (WSE 2010) Willey Publishers, Volume 25, Issue 8,
August 2013.
4. Eleni Stroulia, Kostas Kontogiannis, Tao Xie: 25th IEEE International Conference on Software
Maintenance (ICSM 2009).
5. K. Kontogiannis, Christos Tjortjis,
Andreas Winter, 12th IEEE European Conference on
Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2008).
6. Kostas Kontogiannis, Grace A. Lewis, Dennis B. Smith, Marin Litoiu: Second International Workshop on Systems
Development in SOA Environments. ICSE Companion 2008 (SDSOA2008).
7. Grace A. Lewis, Dennis B. Smith, Kostas Kontogiannis: 2nd International Workshop
on a Research Agenda for Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented Systems.
ICSM 2008
8. Kostas Kontogiannis, Grace A. Lewis, Dennis B. Smith, Marin Litoiu, Stefan Schuster: International Workshop on Systems
Development in SOA Environments. ICSE Companion 2007 (SDSOA 2007).
9. K. Kontogiannis, Jurgen Ebert, Panos Linos. 14th IEEE
International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC 2006).
10. K. Kontogiannis, F. Balmas, Editors. Special
issue on Software Analysis, Evolution and, Re-engineering in the Journal Science of
Computer Programming, Elsevier, The Netherlands. Volume 60, Issue 2, April
11. L. O’Brien, K. Kontogiannis, Editors. Proceedings of the IEEE
Software Technology and Engineering Practice conference STEP 2003
12. K. Kontogiannis, R. Holt, Editors. Proceedings of the IEEE International
Workshop on Program Comprehension IWPC 2001 Conference.
13. J. Ebert, Κ. Kontogiannis, J. Mylopoulos, editors,
Interoperability of Software Reengineering Tools, Dagstuhl
Seminar Report 01041. Schloss Dagstuhl,
14. K. Kontogiannis, F. Balmas, C. Cifuentes, Editors. Proceedings of the IEEE International
Working Conference on Reverse Engineering WCRE 2000.
Workshop Publications
- “Big Picture of Big Data
Software Engineering: With Example Research Challenges”, Nazim H. Madhavji, Andriy V. Miranskyy, Kostas
Kontogiannis. In Proc. of Big Data in Software Engineering ΙΕΕΕ ICSE 2015, pp. 11-14.
- “Towards a Goal Driven
Task Personalization Specification Framework”, G. Chatzikonstantinou, M. Athanasopoulos,
K. Kontogiannis. In Proc. of Personalized Web Task Workshop, held in
conjunction with IEEE Services 2013 Conference (5 pages).
- =“Policy Modeling and
Compliance Verification in Enterprise Software Systems: A Survey”,
G. Chatzikonstantinou, K. Kontogiannis. In
online Proc. of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on the
Maintenance and Evolution of Service-Oriented and Cloud-Based Systems,
Sept. 2012, Riva Del Garda, Italy (10 σελίδες).
- “Towards an interpretation
framework for assessing Interface uniformity in REST”, M. Athanasopoulos, K. Kontogiannis. In Proc. of IEEE WS-REST Workshop,
WWW’11, pp.47-50.
- “Dynamic Analysis for the
Reconstruction of
System Behavior Models”, V. Koutsoubas,
K. Kontogiannis, P. Mathews. In. Proc. of Second IEEE International
Workshop on Computer Forensics in Software Engineering, IEEE COMPSAC 2010,
pp. 273, 280.
- “The landscape of
service-oriented systems: a research perspective for maintenance and
Reengineering”, K. Kontogiannis, G. Lewis, D. Smith. In Proc, of
11th IEEE International Workshop on Service-Oriented Architecture
Maintenance and Reengineering (SOAM), CSMR’07, Amsterdam, the
Netherlands, 2007 (8 pages).
- “The Landscape of Service
Oriented Systems: A Research Perspective”, K. Kontogiannis, D.
Smith, G. Lewis, M. Litoiu, E. Stroulia, H. Muller, Schuster, 2007. In Proc.
SDSOA’07, Systems Development in SOA Environments, International
Workshop on, Systems Development in SOA Environments, International
Workshop on 2007, pp.1-7.
- “Adoption-Centric Software
Evolution”, Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis, 2003. In Proceedings of the
IEEE Workshop on Adoption Centric Computing held at ICSE 2003, May 2003,
Edinburgh, Scotland, pp.3-6.
- “Localizing and Using
Services in Web-enabled Environments”, Y. Zou, K. Kontogiannis,
2000. In the working notes of Workshop on Web Site Evolution,
(WSE’00) March 2000, Zurich, Switzerland (4 pages).
- “Enabling Technologies for
Web-Based Legacy System Integration”, Y. Zou,
K. Kontogiannis, 1999. In the
working notes of the Workshop on Web Site Evolution, (WSE’99)
October 1999, Atlanta GA. USA (4 pages).
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