You have been approached by Meals On Wheels to design a poster to promote their annual event: "Walk for Wheels". This is a walk-a-thon where walkers collect pledges. Proceeds of this event are directed to their meal subsidy program helping individuals with lower incomes afford the cost of nutritious meals.
If you need some more inspiration, more information about the event can be found:
A representative from Meals on Wheels will be picking the top 3 posters. Your mark will NOT be made available to her, but she will be choosing based on the look and the content of the poster. The top three posters may actually be printed and then used to advertise the event. TRY TO MAKE YOUR POSTER ONE OF THE CHOSEN POSTERS, it will look great on your resume!
NOTE: You may use ANY PICTURES you want FROM THE INTERNET, but if your poster is picked as the winning poster, we might have to replace the images you originally used if the organization cannot get the copyrights to it (but you will NOT LOSE MARKS on your assignment) . If you want to try to build a poster that won't violate copyright laws, use your own photography or images from on-line stock photo websites such as or or or any other one you like that will give us the right to use the images as part of the campaign. Some sites say "Free" to use. If you use an image from ANY ONLINE STOCKPHOTO site where we can have the rights to that photo, and your poster is chosen, then we can go to the site and pay for the image. Don't worry about the watermark on these images, you won't lose marks for that if you include it in the poster. But if you feel that the watermark interferes with the look of your poster, then consider any of the options above.