Through its highly successful fundraising activities,
our School Council makes a valuable contribution to the school.
The revenue generated by School Council is used to fund activities and equipment that
directly benefits the students and faculty and that could not otherwise be provided for in
the budget.
Parents Council has recently provided funding for the following projects:
- Holiday educational and social programs
- Trip to Hershey Park on chol ha-mo'ed Sukkot
- Theatre and art programs
- Gifts and entertainment in celebration of student advancement
- Playground equipment
- Renovation of the kindergarten kitchen
- Upgraded sound systems
- Guest speakers
- Computer lab equipment
Thank you to all who supported School Council's AVON fundraiser. It was a HUGE success.
We raised $855.00. This was the first time we have ever done a fundraiser with AVON and
we have had a lot of positive feedback from parents and the community.
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The Yearbook Committee sends thanks out to all of you who continue to support their
cheese orders. We have earned over $1300 in the first term to go directly to the production
of the 2008/2009 yearbook and ensure a colour copy for all grade 8 graduates!
Please continue to order so we can once again have a yearbook that is the envy of other
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We are starting to get some activity with our Shop and Support fundraising program.
We have had $2425.00 in sales bringing us a profit of $102.75..a great start!
Please remember that this program will run all year and will directly benefit school
council's fundraising efforts.
Click on Shop and Support today!
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Our Gourmet Lollipop Fundraiser couldn't be easier!
We can double our money! With dozens of flavours to choose from and a super low sales
price (25 cents per lollipop), lollipop fundraising is the best way to raise a lot of money with
little or no effort. After all, once someone tastes one of our fundraising lollipops, they
can't stop at just one.
The cost of each lollipop is $0.25 per lollipop and each lollipop sells for $0.50 so you
double your money with EVERY sale.
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The Spring Auction and Raffle is a major fundraiser sponsored by School Council.
The evening includes dinner and silent auction. The Auction committee and other parent
volunteers solicit the items that are auctioned which generally include trips, jewellery, art,
clothing and tickets to shows and sports events.
The raffle buys a chance to win one of three to five prizes. Auction items are also listed
for online bidding. The raffle drawing is held the same night as the Auction, but one does
not have to attend the Auction to win a raffle prize.
Parent volunteers sell raffle tickets by phone starting two months before the Auction.
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School Council organizes a book fair in November. The book fair is held in the auditorium of
the school and provides an opportunity to purchase a wide array of books, videos and
educational games. Students can purchase books when they visit the book fair with their class.
Parents can visit the book fair with their children or at anytime throughout the day. A
percentage of the proceeds from sales is donated to School Council.
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The Scrip program is a major fundraiser where you can buy gift certificates/cards from national
and local retailers. They are the same as gift certificates/cards you can buy yourself from such
stores as Home Depot, ears, Canadian Tire...etc. In our fundraising program, these retailers
have agreed to sell these gift certificates/cards to the Orchard Park Home and School
Association at a discount of between 2.5% to 7% off the face value. Then use the gift
certificates/cards to pay for goods instead of using cash.
For more information, click here.
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The more members we have, the stronger our voice is at the Ontario Federation of Home
and School. So join Orchard Park's Home and School if you haven't already. It is a great
way to support your school and invest in your child's education.
Membership fee is only $10 for the year.
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Middle of September, a fun evening is planned to provide a relaxed and informal way of
meeting the teachers. Home and School hosts and evening of pizza, cupcakes, face
painting by the Grade 8's, and balloon-tying by entertainment clowns.
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This is a popular alternative for families who wish to support the school, but who do not want
to be involved in direct sales campaigns. We offer income tax receipts as part of our direct
donation campaign.
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Each year two cake raffles are held during Halloween and Easter. These fundraising events
are very popular with the students and we always have a tremendous response to our
request for cake donations.
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Special lunches are offered once a month where various lunch deals are offered.
For example, pizza slices, or submarine sandwiches, or chicken nuggets/fries coupled
with a desert and drink are offered at a cost.
A form is sent home offering the choices for the next three months.
Watch for the forms and treat your kids to the special lunch of the month!
Students enjoy participating in this treat each month. These lunches can be a lot of work,
but they are very much appreciated by both staff and students.
See Special Lunch dates.
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