CS1033 - Assignment #3 (15%)
Designing a Website Using Dreamweaver
You have been approached by the small London business "Sew Fun" to create a website for their sewing business. Your job is to come up with a brand new website that will promote their business and spotlight the creative pieces that are created at Sew Fun. As of now, Sew Fun does not have a website and as such, they are open to almost any type of design/colour scheme as long as it promotes their services in a professional way. We are providing you with the content for creating each of the six required web pages.
Build a website to include ALL OF THE FOLLOWING things:
- A banner for your website made with Photoshop
- Size of banner must be EXACTLY 1000 pixels wide.
- You can use any images you find on the Internet that will add appeal to the banner but remember you need to save the URLs for the images to reference the images on your References webpage.
- Should contain the company's name: Sew Fun somewhere on the banner.
- Create a banner that is professional, appealing and appropriate for a sewing/clothing re-purposing business
- Should contain the company [logo - a few different version of the logo are here] in some way. You may resize the image but do not distort it (resize both its width and height proportionally). Do not feel tied to the colours in the logo. You may use different colours, try to make the logo work in your colour scheme.
- Content for the web pages: (read carefully)
- The document [http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~lreid/cs1033/assignment3/fall2016/content_for_website.txt] contains the content to be used for creating the web pages. This is provided so that you don't have to come up with the content. Your job is to lay out the content in an appealing and professional manner. Note: The content file is a text file with no formatting so that you can copy and paste (note: use the Copy and Paste Special with Text Only option so that you can add line breaks as you please otherwise you may find that your page wide becomes one solid long line exceeding the table width of 1000px) the information into your website and work with the layout and the attributes as you choose. We will be marking how nicely the information has been presented. Add images to every web page (Exception: you are not required to add images to the references page) to give more visual appeal but remember to reference all images used, even if we supplied the image! Replace hyphens for lists with the numbered or bulleted lists.
- Number of Web pages: For your website you must create 6 webpages in total: Home, About Me, Samples of My Work, Services, All My Favs, and References. You need to create a menu structure at the top or along the side of each webpage containing 6 links (buttons or text links), each linking to a different webpage. The text for the 6 webpages is contained in the [content document]
Listed below are guidelines for each of the 6 webpages
- Home --> Text for this web page is included in the content document.
- Make each of the two testimonials more noticeable and attractive.
- Make sure you have a neat, well organized design for the home page.
- Have the words "breathe new life" be a link to the "Bags" section of the Samples of My Work webpage.
- About Me-->Text for this web page is included in the content document.
- Modify the text containing the Contact Information so that it links to the Facebook and Email links supplied and looks neat.
- Samples of My Work -->Text for this web page is included in the content document .
- Make the list of items at the top of this page jump down to the appropriate section below. Include a way back to the top for each section. Below each section include at least 4 images and lay the images out neatly. There are lots of photos on the Facebook page if you need more selection or use the ones we have copied from Facebook to here:
- Services--> Text for this web page is included in the content document .
- Set this page up in a nice, well organized manner.
- Next to the Re-purposed Pieces section include the image of the Sew Fun booth
- Next to the Customized Prom Dresses, include one of the images here
- All My Faves --> There is no text for this page, rather you must find 3 websites from local businesses that sell fabrics or used clothing. Write a one or two sentences about the business, find an image on the internet for the business (any image that relates is fine). Then neatly lay out the blurb, the link and the image. At the end of this page include a map with 4 pins. One pin for each of the 3 businesses you have selected and one pin for the "Sew Fun" Western Fair booth. Make the "Sew Fun" pin stand out from the other 3 pins (so that you know it is for the "Sew Fun" business).
- References: --> This webpage must contain the URLs for each image you obtained from the Internet and used within your website. Make sure this page is neatly laid out. You no longer have to place your image references in the Assignment Text box in Owl since they are now listed on this webpage HOWEVER you still must include a link to your website in the OWL assignment box, so the T.A. can find your website. NOTE: you need to put references for any images we supplied you with and any images you use that we did not supply you with.