Welcome to my on-line resume!
My name is Jon Aziz and I'm currently attending the University of Western Ontario, enrolled in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies. To introduce you to my thinking, I will expand on my interpretation of the key characteristics I used in my introduction video:
The most important characteristic to have, in my opinion, is good vision. This isn't vision in the literal sense or even the 'big picture' sense -- this is vision in the sense of constantly evaluating the environment. This speaks on the ability of a person to be both proactive and reactive. In business, and in life, the most important thing is to be always ready for what's coming next.
Getting the information is one thing, but how we are 'proactive and reactive' has a lot to do with our ability to judge the options. The two measures, speed and effectiveness, are equally important in the development of good judgement. Quality decision making is a key to success in business, even one poor decisions can extremely costly.
No matter how good you are, if no one feels that they can trust you, your success will be limited. To be considered 'honest' you need to demonstrate that you are worthy by not letting others down on small things. Being direct is very easy and pays dividends. To operate with complete openness and honesty will help you gain respect of peers and faith of superiors.
Playing by the book is often a sound strategy, but to stand out you need to reach outside of that comfort area. There's no formula to have 'successful' creativity; in fact, it could be argued that creativity is something you either have or don't have. I believe that I have creativity, and it has helped me find a quality solution for several hard decisions that would be considered 'out there' by more inflexible people. The goal of creativity is to make a concept -- it takes a different set of skills (including judgment and vision) to make creative ideas into realistic ideas.
How you present yourself has a very direct impact on how others see you. Ignoring your demeanor -- with the excuse of 'just being yourself' -- is a good personal life goal, but is damaging in business. There is a certain level of respect that is communicated by one enters a situation, most of which is transmitted through the level of professionalism displayed. To treat others with respect reflects well on you and will often open more opportunities than being 'tough' for the sake of it. |