Ali K. Hamou and Mahmoud R. El-Sakka, "A Novel Segmentation
Technique for Carotid Ultrasound Images", IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
ICASSP'2004, Vol. 3, pp. 521 - 524, May 2004, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada.
Ultrasound provides a non-invasive means for visualizing
various tissues within the human body. However, these
visualizations tend to be filled with speckle noise and other
artifacts, due to the sporadic nature of sound waves. This
paper presents a novel segmentation technique for use on
noisy B-mode ultrasound images of the carotid artery. This
scheme is based on histogram equalization, Canny edge
detection and morphology methods. The proposed scheme
provides various degrees of customizability, for a wide range
of ultrasound images. The experimental results show that this
scheme is accurate enough to segment the different textures in
ultrasound images. These automatically segmented regions may
alleviate the need for a practitioner's time consuming
manual segmentation of wanted regions.