Abdelkader H. Ouda and Mahmoud R. El-Sakka, "A Step Towards
Practical Steganography Systems", International Conference on
Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR'2005, 3656, pp.
1158-1166, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, September 2005,
Toronto, Canada.
There has been many hidden communication techniques proposed
in the last few years. The focus was given to steganography
to build such techniques. Utilizing stego-key(s) to hide
secret messages into images strengthen the security of these
techniques. However, adopting one of the available
key-agreement protocols, to distribute stego-key(s) between
the communicating parties, will destroy the infrastructure of
the entire communication. The reason is that, these protocols
perform their transactions on sight, while the desirable
communications need to be completely hidden. In this paper, a
key-generation unit is proposed to be added to the
steganography general model. This unit utilizes a new
key-agreement protocol, stego-KA, to help support the entire
class of hidden communication techniques to exchange the
sego-key(s) covertly. The proposed stego-KA protocol is based
on Diffie-Hellman key establishment protocol and has
significant advantages that support hidden communications.