Ali K. Hamou and Mahmoud R. El-Sakka, "Active Contours with
Optical Flow and Primitive Shape Priors for Echocardiographic
Imagery", International Conference on Imaging Theory and
Applications, IMAGAPP'2009, pp. 111-118, February 2009,
Lisbon, Portugal.
Accurate delineation of object borders is highly desirable in
echocardiography. Among other model-based techniques, active
contours (or snakes) provide a unique and powerful approach to
image analysis. In this work, we propose the use of a new
external energy for a GVF snake, consisting of the optical
flow data of moving heart structures (i.e. the perceived
movement). This new external energy provides more information
to the active contour model to combat noise in moving
sequences. An automated primitive shape prior mechanism is
also introduced, which further improves the results when
dealing with especially noisy echocardiographic image cines.
Results were compared with that of expert manual segmentations
yielding promising sensitivities and system accuracies.