Ishtiaque Hossain and Mahmoud R. El-Sakka, "Prediction with
Partial Match using Two-Dimensional Approximate Contexts",
IEEE/EURASIP Picture Coding Symposium, PCS'2012, pp. 181-184,
May 2012, Krakow, Poland.
The Prediction with Partial Match (PPM) is a context-based
lossless compression scheme developed in the mid 80's.
Originally it was targeted towards compressing text that can
be viewed as a one-dimensional sequence of symbols. When
compressing digital images, PPM usually breaks the
two dimensional data into a one-dimensional raster scan form.
This paper extends PPM in order to take full advantage of the
twodimensional nature of digital images. Unlike the
traditional two dimensional raster scan contexts (i.e.
concerning upper pixels and pixels to the left), the proposed
context is determined using pixels from all directions,
including pixels to the right and the lower pixels. Results
show that this type of context yields a significant
improvement over the traditional raster scan context.