
$ (1)$
Write $ A = A_2 X^{2n/3} + A_1 x^{n/3} + A_0$ and $ B = B_2 X^{2n/3} + B_1 x^{n/3} + B_0$ where $ A_2, A_1, A_0, B_2, B_1, B_1$ are polynomials of degree less than $ n/3$ . We want to compute $ C = AB$ . We have

$\displaystyle C = C_4 X^{4n/3} + C_3 X^{3n/3} + C_2 X^{2n/3} + C_1 x^{n/3} + C_0$    


\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} C_4 & = & A_2 B_2 \\ C_0 & = & A_0 B_0 \\ ...
..._1 & = & (A_1 + A_0) (B_1 + B_0) - C_0 - A_1 B_1 \\ \end{array}\end{displaymath}    

Note that each of the polynomials $ C_0, C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4$ has degree less than $ 2n /3$ . Computing the coefficients $ C_0, C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4$ requires Once the coefficients $ C_0, C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4$ have been computed the true coefficients of $ C$ are not known yet. For intsance, both $ C_1 x^{n/3}$ and $ C_0$ contain terms in degree $ d$ for $ n/3 \leq d < 2n/3$ . In fact, we need $ 5$ additions in degree less than $ n/3$ in order to complete the job.
$ (2)$
Let $ T(n)$ be the number of operations on the coefficients required to compute $ C$ from $ A$ and $ B$ . We have

$\displaystyle T(n) = 6 T(n/3) + 2n + 14n/3 + 4n/3 = 6 T(n/3) + 8n.$    

Using the appropiate formula from [TCS02]. we obtain

$\displaystyle T(n) \in O(n^{{\log}_3(6)}).$    

Marc Moreno Maza