Modular Arithmetic

Let $ R$ be a (commutative) ring (with unity) and $ I$ be an ideal of $ R$ . For $ a,b \in R$ the relation

$\displaystyle a - b \in I$ (96)

usually denoted by

$\displaystyle a \ \equiv \ b \mod{\, I}$ (97)

defines an equivalence relation. If we denote by $ {\overline{a}}^I$ (or $ \overline{a}$ if not ambiguous) the class of the element $ a$ , then the residue classes of this relation forms a (commutative) ring (with unity) denoted by $ R/I$ where addition and multiplication are defined by

$\displaystyle \overline{a} + \overline{b} \ = \ \overline{a+b} \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ \overline{a} \overline{b} \ = \ \overline{ab}$ (98)

Example 2   Let $ R$ be an Euclidean domain and let $ p \in R$ with $ p \neq 0$ . We consider the ideal $ I$ generated by $ p$ . The residue class ring $ R/I$ is often denoted by $ R/p$ and the class of $ a \in R$ in $ R/p$ by $ a \mod{\, p}$ . For $ a,b \in R$ the relation $ a - b \in I$ means that $ a - b$ is a multiple of $ p$ . Let $ (q_a,r_a)$ and $ (q_b,r_b)$ be the quotient-remainder pairs of $ a$ and $ b$ w.r.t. $ p$ respectively. We have

$\displaystyle p \ \mid \ a - b \ \ \iff \ \ p \ \mid \ (q_a - q_b) p + r_a - r_b \ \ \iff \ \ p \ \mid \ r_a - r_b$ (99)

For $ R = {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ with positive remainder or for $ R = {\bf k}[x]$ we have in fact

$\displaystyle a \ \equiv \ b \mod{\, p} \ \ \iff \ \ r_a \ = \ r_b$ (100)

Explain why!

Example 3   Let $ R = {\bf k}[x]$ for a field $ {\bf k}$ . Let $ u \in {\bf k}$ and let $ I$ be the ideal generated by the polynomial $ x - u$ . For every $ a \in R$ there exists $ q \in R$ such that

$\displaystyle a \ = \ q (x-u) + a(u)$ (101)

So in that case for every $ a,b \in R$ we have

$\displaystyle a \ \equiv \ b \mod{\, p} \ \ \iff \ \ a(u) \ = \ b(u)$ (102)

Proposition 8   Let $ R$ be an Euclidean domain and let $ a, m$ be in $ R$ . Then $ a \mod{\, m}$ is a unit of $ R/m$ iff $ {\gcd}(a,m) = 1$ . In this case the Extended Euclidean Algorithm can be used to compute the inverse of $ a \mod{\, m}$ .

Proof. Indeed, let $ g$ be the gcd of $ a$ and $ m$ and let $ s,t$ be the corresponding Bézout coefficients. Hence we have

$\displaystyle s \, a + t \, m = g$ (103)

If $ g = 1$ then $ s \mod{\, m}$ is the inverse of $ a \mod{\, m}$ . Conversely if $ a \mod{\, m}$ is invertible there exists $ b \in R$ such that

$\displaystyle a \, b \equiv 1 \mod{\, m}$ (104)

That is there exists $ c \in R$ such that $ a \, b - 1 = c \, m$ . If $ a$ and $ m$ could be divided by an element $ d$ which is not a unit then we would be led to a contradiction ( $ d (a' \, b + c \, m') = 1$ ). Hence $ {\gcd}(a,m) = 1$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 7   The above remarks and proposition lead us to the following ALDOR implementation of the residue class ring of an Euclidean domain $ R$ by one of its element.
ResidueClassRing(R:EuclideanDomain, p:R): Ring with {
         class: R -> %; 
         sample: % -> R;
} == R add {
        Rep == R;
        import from R;

        1: % == per(1);
        0: % == per(0);
        zero?(x:%): Boolean == zero?(rep(x));
        (x:%) = (y:%) : Boolean == zero?(x-y);
        one?(x:%): Boolean == x = 1;
        class(a:R):% == {
            (q,r) := divide(a,p);
        sample(x:%): R == rep(x);
        (x:%) + (y:%) : % == class(rep(x) + rep(y));
        -(x:%) : % == class(-rep(x));
        (x:%) * (y:%) : % == class(rep(x) * rep(y));
        (n:Integer) * (x:%): % == class(n * rep(x));
        (x:%) ^ (n:NonNegativeInteger) : % == class(rep(x) ^ n);
        recip(x:%): Partial(%) == {
                 import from Partial(%);
                 (u,v,g) := extendedEuclidean(rep(x),p);
                 h?: Partial(R) := recip(g);
                 failed? h? => failed();
                 h: R := retract(h?);
                 [class(h * u)];

Proposition 9   Let $ {\bf k}$ be a field and $ f \in {\bf k}[x]$ with degree $ n \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ . One arithmetic operation in the residue class ring $ {\bf k}[x]/f$ , that is, addition, multiplication or division by an invertible element can be done using $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ arithmetic operations in $ {\bf k}$ .

Explain why!

Remark 8   Let $ m$ be a positive integer. The set

$\displaystyle ({\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}/m)^{\ast} \ = \ \{ a \mod{\, m} \ \mid \ {\gcd}(a,m) = 1 \}$ (105)

is the group of units of the ring $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}/m$ . The Euler's totient function $ m \longmapsto {\phi}(m)$ counts the number of elements of $ ({\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}/m)^{\ast}$ . By convention $ {\phi}(1) = 1$ . Then if $ p$ is a prime we have $ {\phi}(p) = p-1$ . If $ m$ is a power $ p^e$ of the prime $ p$ then we have

$\displaystyle {\phi}(m) \ = \ (p-1) p^{e-1}$ (106)

Explain why!

Theorem 6 (Fermat's little theorem)   If $ p \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ is a prime and $ a \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ then we have

$\displaystyle a^p \ \equiv \ a \mod{\, p}$ (107)

Moreover if $ p$ does not divide $ a$ then we have $ a^{p-1} \ \equiv \ 1 \mod{\, p}$ .

Proof. It is sufficient to prove the claim for $ a = 0 \cdots p-1$ which we do by induction on $ a$ . The cases $ a = 0$ and $ a = 1$ are trivial. For $ a > 1$ we have

$\displaystyle a^p = ((a-1) + 1)^p \equiv (a-1)^p + 1^p \equiv (a-1) + 1 = a \mod{\, p}$ (108)

$ \qedsymbol$

Remark 9   For a prime $ p \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ and $ a \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ such that $ a \neq 0$ and such that $ p$ does not divide $ a$ . It follows from Theorem 6 that the inverse of $ a \mod{\, p}$ can be computed by

$\displaystyle a^{-1} \ \equiv \ a^{p-2} \mod{\, p}$ (109)

Explain why this leads to an algorithm requiring $ {\cal O}({\log}^3_2(p))$ word operations. Is this better than the modular inversion via Euclide's algorithm?

Marc Moreno Maza