Evaluation, interpolation

Let $ {\bf k}$ be a field and let $ u=(u_0, \ldots, u_{n-1})$ be a sequence of pairwise distinct elements of $ {\bf k}$ .

Remark 4   A polynomial in $ {\bf k}[x]$ with degree $ n-1$ , say

$\displaystyle f \ = \ f_0 + f_1 x + \cdots + f_{n-1} x^{n-1}$ (35)

can be evaluated at $ x = x_0$ using Horner's rule

$\displaystyle f(x_0) \ = \ ( \cdots ( f_{n-1} x_0 + f_{n-2}) x_0 + \cdots + f_1) x_0 + f_0$ (36)

with $ n-1$ additions and $ n-1$ multiplications leading to $ 2 n - 2$ operations in the base field $ {\bf k}$ . The proof is easy by induction on $ n \geq 1$ .

Definition 2   For $ i = 0 \cdots n-1$ the $ i$ -th Lagrange interpolant is the polynomial

$\displaystyle L_i(u) \ = \ {\Pi}_{\mbox{\begin{scriptsize}$\begin{array}{c} 0 \leq j < n \\ j \neq i\end{array}$\end{scriptsize}}} \, \frac{x-u_j}{u_i-u_j}$ (37)

with the property that

$\displaystyle L_i(u_j) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} 0 & {\rm if} i \neq j \\ 1 & {\rm otherwise} & \end{array} \right.$ (38)

Proposition 6   Let $ v_0, \ldots, v_{n-1}$ be in $ {\bf k}$ . There is a unique polynomial $ f \in {\bf k}[x]$ with degree less than $ n$ and such that

$\displaystyle f(u_i) = v_i \ \ {\rm for} \ \ i = 0 \cdots n-1.$ (39)

Moreover this polynomial is given by

$\displaystyle f \ = \ {\Sigma}_{0 \leq i < n} \ v_i \ L_i(u).$ (40)

Proof. Clearly the polynomial $ f$ of Relation (40) satisfies Relation (39). Hence the existence is clear. The unicity follows from the fact that the difference of two such polynomials has hence is the zero polynomial. $ \qedsymbol$

Proposition 7   Evaluating a polynomial $ f \in {\bf k}[x]$ of degree less than $ n$ at $ n$ distinct points $ u_0, \ldots, u_{n-1}$ or computing an interpolating polynomial at these points can be done in $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ operations in $ {\bf k}$ .

Proof. We saw in Remark 4 that evaluating the polynomial $ f$ of degree $ n-1$ at one point costs $ 2 n - 2$ operations in $ {\bf k}$ . So evaluating $ f$ at $ u_0, \ldots, u_{n-1}$ amounts to $ 2 n^2 - 2n$ . Let us prove now that interpolating a polynomial at $ u_0, \ldots, u_{n-1}$ can be done in $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ operations in $ {\bf k}$ . We first need to estimate the cost of computing the $ i$ -th interpolant $ L_i(u)$ . Consider $ m_0 m_1$ , $ m_0 m_1 m_2$ , ... $ m = m_0 \cdots m_{n-1}$ where $ m_i$ is the monic polynomial $ m_i = x - u_i$ . Let $ p_i = m_0 m_1 \cdots m_{i-1}$ and $ q_i = m / m_i$ for $ i = 1 \cdots n$ . We have

$\displaystyle L_i(u) \ = \ \frac{q_i}{q_i(u_i)}$ (41)

To estimate the cost of computing the $ L_i(u)$ 's let us start with that of $ m$ . Computing the product of the monic polynomial $ p_i = m_0 m_1 \cdots m_{i-1}$ of degree $ i$ by the monic polynomial $ m_i = x - u_i$ of degree $ 1$ costs leading to $ 2 \, i$ . Hence computing $ p_2, \ldots, p_n = m$ amounts to

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} {\Sigma}_{1 \leq i \leq n-1} \, 2 \, i & =...
...1} i \ \\ & = & 2 \, n \, (n-1)/2 \\ & = & n (n-1). \end{array}\end{displaymath} (42)

Computing $ q_i$ implies a division-with-remainder of the polynomial $ m$ of degree $ n$ by the polynomial $ m_i$ of degree $ 1$ . This division will have $ n - 1 + 1$ steps, each step requiring $ 2$ operations in $ {\bf k}$ . Hence computing all $ q_i$ 's amounts to $ n \, 2 \, n$ . Since $ q_i$ has degree $ n-1$ computing each $ q_i(u_i)$ 's amounts to $ 2 n - 2$ operations in the base field $ {\bf k}$ (from Remark 4). Then computing all $ q_i(u_i)$ 's amounts to $ 2 n^2 - 2n$ . Then computing each $ L_i(u) = q_i / q_i(u_i)$ from the $ q_i$ 's and $ q_i(u_i)$ 's costs $ n$ . Therefore computing all $ L_i(u)$ 's from scratch amounts to $ n (n+1) + 2 \, n^2 + 2 n^2 - 2 n + n^2 = 6 n^2 - n$ .

Computing $ f$ from the $ L_i(u)$ 's requires

amounting to $ 2 \, n^2 - n$ . Finally the total cost is $ 6 n^2 - 2n -1 + 2 \, n^2 - n = 8 \, n^2 - 2 \, n$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 5   We consider the map

$\displaystyle E: \begin{array}{lll} {\bf k}^n & \rightarrow & {\bf k}^n \\ (f_0...
...eq j < n} f_j u_0^j, \ldots, {\Sigma}_{0 \leq j < n} f_j u_{n-1}^j) \end{array}$ (43)

This is just the map corresponding to evaluation of polynomials of degree less than $ n$ at points $ u_0, \ldots, u_{n-1}$ . It is obvious that $ E$ is $ {\bf k}$ -linear and it can be represented by the Vandermonde matrix

$\displaystyle VDM(u_0, \ldots, u_{n-1}) \ = \ \left( \begin{array}{lllll} 1 & u...
...dots \\ 1 & u_{n-1} & u_{n-1}^2 & \cdots & u_{n-1}^{n-1} \\ \end{array} \right)$ (44)

From the above discussion, this matrix is invertible iff $ u_i \neq u_j$ for all $ 0 \leq i < j \leq n-1$ . To conclude observe that both evaluation and interpolation are linear maps between coefficients and value vectors.

Marc Moreno Maza