Classical division with remainder

We assume that $ R$ is a commutative ring with identity element. We consider the classical algorithm for univariate polynomial division with remainder stated over $ R$ instead of a field. However, Algorithm 1 is well defined because we assume that the leading coefficient of the polynomial $ b$ is a unit.

Algorithm 1  

\begin{minipage}{12 cm}
\item[{\bf Input:}] univariat...
..._{0}^{n-m} \ q_i x^i$\ \\
\> {\bf return} $(q,r)$

Proposition 1   Let $ a$ and $ b$ two univariate polynomials in $ R[x]$ with respective degrees $ n$ and $ m$ such that $ n \geq m \geq 0$ and the leading coefficient of $ b$ is a unit. Then there exist unique polynomials $ q$ and $ r$ such that $ a = b q + r$ and $ {\deg} \, r \, < \, m$ . The polynomials $ q$ and $ r$ are called the quotient and the remainder of $ a$ w.r.t. to $ b$ . Algorithm 1 compute them in $ (2 m +1) (n -m +1) \in {\cal O}(n \, m)$ operations in $ R$ .

Proof. We leave to the reader the proof of the uniqueness of the quotient and the remainder of $ a$ w.r.t. to $ b$ . So we focus now on the complexity result Consider an iteration of the for loop where $ {\deg} \, r = m + i$ holds at the begining of the loop. Observe that $ r$ and $ q_i x^i b$ have the same leading coefficient. Since $ {\deg} \, b = m$ , computing the reductum of $ q_i x^i b$ requires $ m$ operations. Then subtracting the reductum of $ q_i x^i b$ to that of $ r$ requires again $ m$ operations. Hence each iteration of the for loop requires at most $ 2m + 1$ operations in $ R$ , since we need also to count $ 1$ for the computation of $ q_i$ . The number of for loops is $ n -m +1$ . Therefore Algorithm 1 requires $ (2 m +1) (n -m +1)$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 1   One can derive from Algorithm 1 a bound for the coefficients of $ q$ and $ r$ , which is needed for performing a modular version (based for instance on the CRT). Let $ {\mid}{\mid}a{\mid}{\mid}$ , $ {\mid}{\mid}b{\mid}{\mid}$ and $ {\mid}{\mid}r{\mid}{\mid}$ be the max-norm of $ a$ , $ b$ and $ r$ . Let $ \mid b_m \mid$ be the absolute value (over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$ ) or the norm (over $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{C}}$}}$ ) of the leading coefficient of $ b$ . Then we have

$\displaystyle {\mid}{\mid}r{\mid}{\mid} \ \leq \ {\mid}{\mid}a{\mid}{\mid} \left( 1 + \frac{{\mid}{\mid}b{\mid}{\mid}}{\mid b_m \mid} \right)^{n-m+1}$ (1)

Marc Moreno Maza