The Karatsuba trick

Let $ f,g$ be two univariate polynomials in $ x$ with degrees $ p$ and $ q$ respectively. Let $ {\mathbb{R}}$ be their ring of coefficients. Define

$\displaystyle f(x) \ \ = \ \ a_p x^p + \cdots + a_1 x + a_0$ (39)


$\displaystyle g(x) \ \ = \ \ b_q x^q + \cdots + b_1 x + b_0.$ (40)

COMPUTING THE PRODUCT $ f(x) g(x)$ by the straightforward method requires

So the complexity of this computation is $ {\cal O}(pq)$ (in term of operations in $ {\mathbb{R}}$ ).

Thus the complexity of the computation of the product of two univariate polynomials of degree at most $ n$ is $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ (in term of operations in $ {\mathbb{R}}$ ).

COMPUTING THE SUM $ f(x) + g(x)$ is $ {\cal O}(n)$ (in term of operations in $ {\mathbb{R}}$ ) if $ f$ and $ g$ have of degree at most $ n$ .

ADDING IS OFTEN CHEAPER THAN MULTIPLYING. So adding polynomials is cheaper than multiplying them. For many rings $ {\mathbb{R}}$ addition is also cheaper than multiplication. So when computing $ f(x) g(x)$ let's try to save on the number of multiplications in $ {\mathbb{R}}$ .

THE KARATSUBA'S TRICK. Assume $ f$ and $ g$ have degree (strictly) less than $ n = 2^k$ (where $ k$ is an integer). The Karatsuba's trick computes the product $ f(x) g(x)$ as follows.

$ (1)$
If $ n = 1$ then compute the element $ f,g$ of $ {\mathbb{R}}$ .
$ (2)$
Define $ f= F_1 \, x^{n/2} + F_0$ and $ g = G_1 \, x^{n/2} + G_0$ where $ F_1, F_0, G_1, G_0$ have degree $ < n/2$ .
$ (3)$
Compute $ F_0 \, G_0$ , $ F_1 \, G_1$ , $ (F_0 + F_1)(G_0 + G_1)$ recursively
$ (4)$

$\displaystyle F_1 G_1 \, x^n + \left( (F_0 + F_1)(G_0 + G_1) - F_0 \, G_0 - F_1 \, G_1 \right) x^{n/2} + F_0 \, G_0.$ (41)

ITS COMPLEXITY. Let us count how many operations in $ {\mathbb{R}}$ we perform with the Karatsuba's trick.

Hence we can apply the previous formula (for estimating $ T(n)$ ) with

$\displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} a & = & 3 \\ T(1) & = & 1 \\ S(n) & = & 4 \, n \end{array} \right.$ (42)

We obtain

$\displaystyle T(n) \in {\cal O} (4 \, n \, n^{{{\log}_2}(3) - 1}).$ (43)

that is

$\displaystyle T(n) \in {\cal O} (n^{{{\log}_2}(3)}).$ (44)

Observe that:

$\displaystyle {{\log}_2}(3) \leq 1,59.$ (45)

Figure 5: Complexity of the Karatsuba algorithm.

Marc Moreno Maza