P-adic Expansions and Approximations

The goal of this section is to formalize in an algebraic point of view the notions of expansions and approximations well known in numerical analysis.

Definition 1   Let $ R$ be an Euclidean domain and let $ p \in R$ be a prime element. Let $ a \in E$ be an element. We say that $ a$ has degree zero w.r.t. $ p$ and we write $ {\deg}(a,p) = 0$ if for every positive integer $ k \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ the quotient of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p^k$ is zero. Assume from now on that $ a$ does not have degree zero w.r.t. $ p$ . If for every positive integer $ {\ell}$ there exists a positive integer $ k > {\ell}$ such that the quotient of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p^k$ is not zero, then we say $ a$ has infinite degree w.r.t. $ p$ and we write $ {\deg}(a,p) = + \infty$ , otherwise we say that $ a$ has finite degree w.r.t. $ p$ and we write $ {\deg}(a,p) < + \infty$ . Assume furthermore that $ {\deg}(a,p) < + \infty$ holds. The largest positive integer $ k \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ such that the quotient of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p^k$ is not zero is called the degree of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ and is denoted by $ {\deg}(a,p)$ .

Definition 2   The Euclidean size $ {\delta}$ of an Euclidean domain $ R$ is said regular if for every $ a,b \in R$ with $ {\delta}(b) \neq 0$ there exists a couple $ (q,r) \in E \times E$ such that
  1. $ a = bq + r$ ,
  2. $ r \neq 0 \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ {\delta}(r) < {\delta}(b)$ ,
  3. $ q \neq 0 \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ {\delta}(b) \leq {\delta}(a)$ ,
  4. $ q \neq 0 \ \ {\rm and} \ \ r \neq 0 \ \ \Rightarrow \ \
{\delta}(q) < {\delta}(a)$ .

Example 1   The absolute value in the ring $ {\mathbb{Z}}$ of integers and the degree in the ring $ k[x]$ of univariate polynomials over a field $ k$ are regular Euclidean sizes.

Proposition 1   Let $ R$ be an Euclidean domain with a regular Euclidean size $ {\delta}$ . Let $ p$ be a prime element. Then for every non-zero $ a \in E$ there exists an integer $ d \in {N}$ and elements $ a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_d \in E$ such that
  1. $ a = a_d p^d + \cdots + a_1 p + a_0$ ,
  2. $ a_d \neq 0$ ,
  3. for every $ i = 0 \cdots d$ we have $ {\deg}(a_i,p) = 0$ .
The sequence $ (a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_d)$ is called a $ p$ -adic expansion of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ .

Proof. Let $ (q_0,a_0)$ be a couple quotient-remainder given as in Definition 2 when dividing $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ .

First we prove that $ a_0$ must have degree 0 w.r.t. $ p$ . This is obvious if $ a_0 = 0$ . So let us assume that $ a_0 \neq 0$ holds. This implies $ {\delta}(p) > {\delta}(a_0)$ . If $ a_0$ would have positive degree $ k$ w.r.t. $ p$ , then, by the properties of a regular Euclidean size, we would have $ {\delta}(a_0) \geq {\delta}(p^k)$ . Since $ {\delta}(p^k) \geq {\delta}(p)$ holds (by definition of an Euclidean domain) we would have a contradiction with $ {\delta}(p) > {\delta}(a_0)$ . Therefore in any case we have $ {\deg}(a_0,p) = 0$ .

Next, let us prove the proposition for those elements $ a$ which have quotient 0 w.r.t. $ p$ . Observe that if one quotient of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ is zero then we have $ {\delta}(a) < {\delta}(p)$ . Hence every quotient of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ is null. (Otherwise we would have $ {\delta}(p) \leq {\delta}(a)$ by the properties of a regular Euclidean size.) Since $ a = a_0$ and since $ a_0$ has degree 0 w.r.t. $ p$ , the element $ a$ has degree 0 w.r.t. $ p$ and $ (a_0)$ is a $ p$ -adic expansion of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ . Therefore the proposition is proved in the case of the elements $ a$ which have quotient 0 w.r.t. $ p$ .

We can assume now that $ a$ does not have quotient 0 w.r.t. $ p$ . Then, two cases arise:

In each case where we consider a couple quotient-remainder $ (q_1, a_1)$ , we can repeat a similar discussion as we did for $ (q_0,a_0)$ .

Continuing in this manner we obtain a finite sequence $ a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_d \in R$ , a finite sequence $ e_0, e_1, \ldots, e_d \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ and a finite sequence $ q_0, q_1, \ldots, q_d \in R$ such that we have

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rclcrcl} a & = & q_0 p^{e_0} + a_0 & {\rm with}...
..._{\ell}} + a_{\ell} & {\rm with} & q_{\ell} & = & 0 \end{array}\end{displaymath}    

This process stops since we have

$\displaystyle {\delta}(a) > {\delta}(q_0) > {\delta}(q_1) > {\delta}(q_2) > \cdots > {\delta}(q_{{\ell}-1})$ (1)

and since the Euclidean size of an element has value in $ {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}} \ {\cup} \ \{-{\infty}\}$ . Clearly, there exitst $ d \in {\mbox{${\mathbb{N}}$}}$ such that $ a$ writes

$\displaystyle a = a_d p^d + \cdots + a_1 p + a_0.$    

where $ a_d, \ldots, a_1, a_0$ are null or have degree 0 w.r.t. $ p$ , by the first part of this proof. Moreover $ a_d \neq 0$ holds. $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 1   Proposition 1 applies in the ring $ {\mathbb{Z}}$ of integers and the ring $ {\bf k}[x]$ of univariate polynomials over a field $ {\bf k}$ . It extends also for the ring $ R[y]$ of univariate polynomials over an Euclidean domain $ R$ with a regular Euclidean size $ {\delta}$ and a prime element $ p \in R$ . Indeed, one can apply Proposition 1 to each coefficient of a polynomial $ {\phi} \in R[y]$ .

As we shall see now, it extends to a ring $ R[y]$ of univariate polynomials over a commutative ring with identity element and to the element $ p = y - g$ where $ g$ is an element of $ R$ .

Proposition 2   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. Let $ {\phi} \in R[y]$ be a polynomial of degree $ n$ and let $ g \in R$ be an element. We define $ p = y - g$ . There exists a unique sequence $ {\phi}_0, {\phi}_1, \ldots, {\phi}_n \in R$ such that we have

$\displaystyle {\phi} = {\phi}_0 + {\phi}_1 p + \cdots + {\phi}_n p^n.$ (2)

The above expression is called the Taylor expansion of $ {\phi}$ at $ g$ ,

Proof. By induction on $ n$ . If $ n = 0$ , the result is clear. Otherwise let $ q$ and $ r$ be the quotient and the remainder in the division of $ {\phi}$ by $ p$ . We have

$\displaystyle {\phi} = q p + r \ \ \ \ {\rm and} \ \ \ \ r \in R.$    

Since $ r = {\phi}(g)$ the conclusion (existence and unicity) follows by the induction hypothesis. $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 2   We can characterize the Taylor expansion of $ {\phi}$ at $ g$ by means of the notion of a formal derivative.

Definition 3   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. For

$\displaystyle {\phi} = {\phi}_0 + {\phi}_1 y + {\phi}_2 y^2 + \cdots + {\phi}_n y^n$    

we define the formal derivative of $ {\phi}$ by

$\displaystyle {\phi}' = {\phi}_1 + 2 {\phi}_2 y + \cdots + n {\phi}_n y^{n-1}.$ (3)

Remark 3   The terminology formal derivative comes from the fact that we do not make use of the notion of a limit to define this derivative. Indeed, if $ R$ is a finite ring, then this would not make clear sense. However we retrieve the usual properties of derivatives.

Proposition 3   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. Let $ {\phi}, {\psi} \in R[y]$ and let $ a,b \in R$ . Then the following properties hold
  1. $ (a {\phi} + b {\psi})' = a {\phi}' + b {\phi}'$ ,
  2. $ ({\phi} {\psi})' = {\phi}' {\psi} + {\phi} {\psi}'$ ,
  3. $ ({\phi}({\psi}))' = {\psi}' {\phi}'({\psi})$ .

Proof. See Lemma 9.19 in [GG99]. $ \qedsymbol$

Proposition 4   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. Let $ {\phi} \in R[y]$ and let $ g \in R$ . There exists a polynomial $ {\psi} \in R[y]$ such that we have

$\displaystyle {\phi}(y) = {\phi}(g) + {\phi}'(g) (y - g) + {\psi}(y) (y - g)^2.$ (4)

Proof. Follows Proposition 2 we have

$\displaystyle {\phi} = {\phi}_0 + {\phi}_1 p + \cdots + {\phi}_n p^n$ (5)

where $ p = y - g$ . The division of $ {\phi}(y)$ by $ p$ shows that $ {\phi}(g) = {\phi}_0$ . Similarly, from (Equation 3), we have $ {\phi}'(g) = {\phi}_1$ . Plugging $ {\phi}(g) = {\phi}_0$ and $ {\phi}'(g) = {\phi}_1$ in (Equation 5) leads to

$\displaystyle {\phi} = {\phi}(g) + {\phi}'(g) (y-g) + {\psi}(y) (y-g)^2$ (6)

for a polynomial $ {\psi}$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 4   Proposition 2 admits several generalizations. First one can use a monic polynomial $ p$ of degree $ d > 1$ . In this case the coefficients $ {\phi}_0, {\phi}_1, \ldots, {\phi}_n$ are polynomials of degree less than $ d$ . Another generalization, given by Proposition 5, is for multivariate polynomials. To understand this generalization, it is important to make the following three observations.

Proposition 5   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element. We consider the ring of multivariate polynomials $ P = R[x_1, \ldots, x_r][y_1, \ldots, y_r]$ . We define $ {\bf x} = (x_1, \ldots, x_r)$ and $ {\bf y} = (y_1, \ldots, y_r)$ . For every polynomial $ {\phi} \in R[{\bf x}]$ there exists a polynomial $ {\psi} \in P$ lying in the ideal $ {\langle y_1, \ldots, y_r \rangle}^2$ such that

$\displaystyle {\phi}(x_1 + y_1, \ldots, x_r + y_r) = {\phi}({\bf x}) + {\Sigma}_{j=1}^{j=r} \frac{{\partial}{\phi}}{{\partial} x_j}({\bf x}) y_j + {\psi}.$ (7)

Remark 5   Using the vocabulary of numerical analysis, Propositions 4 and 5 provides a Taylor expansion of $ {\phi}$ of order 2. This leads to the following definition.

Definition 4   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element and let $ {\cal I}$ be an ideal of $ R$ . Let $ a,b \in R$ be elements and $ k$ be a positive integer. We say that $ a$ is an $ {\cal I}$ -adic approximation of $ b$ at order $ k$ if we have

$\displaystyle a \equiv b \mod{{\cal I}^k}.$ (8)

Remark 6   We conclude by two useful properties of ideal-adic approximations.

Proposition 6   Let $ R$ be an Euclidean domain with a regular Euclidean size $ {\delta}$ . Let $ p \in R$ be a prime element. Let $ a \in R$ be an element and let $ (a_0, a_1, \ldots, a_d)$ be a $ p$ -adic expansion of $ a$ w.r.t. $ p$ . For every positive integer $ k \leq d + 1$ we define

$\displaystyle a^{(k)} = a_0 + a_1 p + \cdots a_{k-1} p^{k-1}$ (9)

Then $ a^{(k)}$ is a $ p$ -adic approximation of $ a$ at order $ k$ , that is

$\displaystyle a^{(k)} \equiv a \mod{ p^k }.$ (10)

Proof. Indeed, we have

$\displaystyle a - a^{(k)} = a_k p^k + a_{k+1} p^{k+1} + \cdots + a_d p^d = (a_k + a_{k+1} p + \cdots + a_d p^{d - k}) p^k$    

$ \qedsymbol$

Proposition 7   Let $ R$ be a commutative ring with identity element and let $ {\cal I}$ be an ideal of $ R$ . Let $ a,b \in R$ be elements, let $ k$ be a positive integer and let $ {\phi} \in R[y]$ be a polynomial. Then we have

$\displaystyle a \equiv b \mod{{\cal I}^k} \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ {\phi}(a) \equiv {\phi}(b) \mod{{\cal I}^k}$ (11)

That is, if $ a$ is an $ {\cal I}$ -adic approximation of $ b$ at order $ k$ , then $ {\phi}(a)$ is an $ {\cal I}$ -adic approximation of $ {\phi}(b)$ at order $ k$ .

Proof. This is simply because of the ring-homomorphism between $ R$ and $ R/{\cal I}$ . $ \qedsymbol$

Marc Moreno Maza