Next: Static check of a MOOL
Up: Writing a MOOL compiler
Previous: Parsing a MOOL program
The second step in writing a MOOL compiler
should be the generation of the symbol tables
associated with the relevant scopes of a MOOL program.
Observe from the MOOL grammar, that the relevant scopes
are given by the following nonterminals.
- Program
- MainBody
Hence one should construct the following tables.
- ProgramTable
- is the table associated
with Program.
Each entry consists of a declared class, say Class,
and a pointer to the symbol table of Class.
- ClassTable
- is the table associated
with a class, say Class.
Each entry consists of a member (attribute or method) of the class.
Of course, this table can be split into two tables:
one for the attributes and one for the methods.
Observe that each method entry consists of
- the method name,
- the formal parameters (with their types),
- a pointer to the table associated
with the body of the method, say MethodBodyTable
Each attribute entry consists of
- the attribute name,
- the attribute type.
- MethodBodyTable
- is the table associated
with each method body.
Each entry consists of
- an identifier,
- its associated value,
- the type of its associated value.
Moreover since a method is always applied
to an implicit object (this)
there should be an entry for it.
- MainBody
- is similar to a table associated
with a method body, except that there is no entry for this.
Observe that for simplicity we do not consider
local variables in loop bodies.
So there is no need of symbol tables for loop bodies.
Even with this, dealing with nested scopes remains not very
easy when writing a compiler for the first time.
So you may proceed step by step.
First, you could restrict to MOOL programs with
- a unique class declaration and
- an empty MainBody.
Therefore only one ClassTable is needed
and then the ProgramTable is not needed any more.
We answer now the following questions.
- Q1
- How do we avoid the construction of MethodBodyTables?
- R1
- In fact a MethodBodyTable can be viewed as an entry of the ClassTable.
This entry should store the information which makes sense only
in the scope of the Method,
like its formal parameters.
- Q2
- When parsing the formal parameters of the Method how do we keep
track of its entry in ClassTable?
- R2
- Consider the rule
MethodDeclaration |
MethodName (
FormalParamterList ) { |
MethodBody |
} |
Remember that a yacc program is a translation scheme: an action can take place
bewteen two grammar symbols in the right side of a production.
Then, in the yacc program for parsing MOOL,
after the nonterminal
MethodName one can set up a pointer to the entry
of ClassTable corresponding to the current
Second, you can consider a MOOL program with
- a unique class declaration and
- an non empty MainBody.
Then the ProgramTable may consist
of an entry for the ClassTable and
one entry per variable declared in the MainBody.
Next: Static check of a MOOL
Up: Writing a MOOL compiler
Previous: Parsing a MOOL program
Marc Moreno Maza