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Up: Compiler Theory: Assignment 3
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The objective is to write a compiler for the ALLCOT language,
with C as the target language.
Please, refer to the document titled The ALLCOT Language
and to the last year assignment 3
and available on the course web site.
- This document discusses the semantics of the ALLCOT language.
Also, it suggests some simplifications to the language in order to keep
things simple.
- For this assignment
- implementing inheritance between domains is not
required but inheritance between categories is mandatory,
- the only required buil-in types are Integer and String;
- The assignment 3 of 2003 discusses translation to C for the MOOL
language. The remarks and hints there apply here, to theALLCOT language.
Next: Bonus
Up: Compiler Theory: Assignment 3
Previous: Guidelines
Marc Moreno Maza