Next: Optimizations for the generated code
Up: Compiler Theory: Intermediate Code Generation
Previous: Three-Address Code
BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS are constructed using boolean operators.
We will consider here the following rules.
E E E |
E E E |
E E |
E E |
E |
E |
E |
- Boolean expressions are used as conditions for statements changing the flow of control.
- Evaluation of boolean expressions can be optimized if it is sufficient to evaluate a part of the expression that determines its value.
- When translating Boolean expressions into three-address code, we can use two different methods.
- Numerical method.
- Assign numerical values to true and false
and evaluate the expression analogously to an arithmetic expression.
This is convenient for boolean expressions which are not involved
in flow of control constructs.
- Jump method.
- Evaluate a boolean expression E as a sequence of conditional and unconditional jumps
to location E.true (if E is true) or to E.false.
To be detailed shortly.
With respect to the previous syntax-directed translation
- we have added two new synthesized attributes S.begin and S.after.
- When the value of E becomes zero, control leaves the while statement
FLOW OF CONTROL STATEMENTS WITH THE JUMP METHOD. We will consider here the following rules.
- In each of these productions, E is the boolean expression to be translated.
- The boolean expression E is associated with two labels (that are
inherited attributes
in the following semantic rules)
- E.true the label to which control flows if E is true,
- E.false the label to which control flows if E is false.
- In each of these productions, S is a flow of control statement associated with
two attributes
- which is a label that is attached to the first 3-address statement to be
executed after the code for S , is an inherited attribute,
- S.code is the translation code for S, as usual it is a synthesized attribute.
Production |
Semantic Rule |
S E S1 |
E.true := newlabel |
E.false := |
| := |
S.code :=
E.code | |
generate(E.true ':') | |
S1.code |
S E S1 S2 |
E.true := newlabel |
E.false := newlabel |
| := |
| := |
code1 :=
E.code | |
generate(E.true ':') | |
S1.code |
code2 := generate('goto'
| | |
code3 :=
generate(E.false ':') | |
S2.code |
S.code := code1 | | code2 | | code3 |
S E S1 |
S.begin := newlabel |
E.true := newlabel |
E.false := |
| := S.begin |
code1 :=
generate(S.begin ':') | |
E.code |
code2 := generate(E.true ':') | |
S1.code |
code3 := generate('goto' S.begin) |
S.code := code1 | | code2 | | code3 |
Warning! The above is a syntax-directed definition:
It provides formulas for the computation
of the attributes S.code (via the computations of the other attributes).
- Since several attributes are inherited and since each action above appears
after its associated production, this is not a translation scheme.
- However it is an L-attributed definition.
- Then its conversion into a translation scheme is obvious.
- From now on, we may present a translation scheme as a syntax-directed definition
if the latter is an L-attributed definition.
- The reason is to make large translation schemes easier to read.
TRANSLATION OF BOOLEAN EXPRESSIONS WITH THE JUMP METHOD. We will consider here the following rules.
E |
E1 E2 |
E |
E1 E2 |
E |
E1 |
E |
(E1) |
E |
E |
E |
- Here again each symbol E is associated with two inherited attributes
- E.true the label to which control flows if E is true,
- E.false the label to which control flows if E is false.
- The attributes E.true and E.false of E will be definned when the flow of control
(where E appears) is translated.
Production |
Semantic Rule |
E E1 E2 |
E1.true := E.true |
E1.false := newlabel |
E2.true := E.true |
E2.false := E.false |
E.code := E1.code | | generate(E1.false':') | | E2.code |
E E1 E2 |
E1.true := newlabel |
E1.false := E.false |
E2.true := E.true |
E2.false := E.false |
E.code := E1.code | | generate(E1.true':') | | E2.code |
E E1 |
E1.true := E.false |
E1.false := E.true |
E.code := E1.code |
E (E1) |
E1.true := E.true |
E1.false := E.false |
E.code := E1.code |
E |
code1 := generate('if'
.place .place 'goto' E.true) |
code2 := generate('goto' E.false) |
E.code := code1 | | code2 |
E |
E.code := generate('goto' E.true) |
E |
E.code := generate('goto' E.false) |
Example 5
Let us consider the expression
a < b
Assume that
- the attributes true and false exist for the entire expression
- as labels Ltrue and Lfalse respectively.
Then the translation is
if a < b goto Ltrue |
goto Lfalse |
- Of course, this is not optimal and looks funny
since the expression to translate is a sentence of the target language!
- But this jump method allows us to translate more involved
expressions (which are not part of the target language) like those
of the following examples.
Example 6
Now consider the expression
a < b or c < d
Again assume that the labels Ltrue and Lfalse have
been set for the entire expression.
Then the translation is
if a < b goto Ltrue |
goto L1 |
L1: |
if c < d goto Ltrue |
goto Lfalse |
Example 7
Now consider the expression
a < b or (c < d and e < f)
Then the translation is
if a < b goto Ltrue |
goto L1 |
L1: |
if c < d goto L2 |
goto Lfalse |
L2: |
if e < f goto Ltrue |
goto Lfalse |
Of course the generated code is not optimal!
Indeed the second statement can be eliminated.
Example 8
Finally consider the expression
while a < b do
if c < d then
x := y + z
x := y - z
Then the translation is
L1: |
if a < b goto L2 |
goto Lnext |
L2: |
if c < d goto L3 |
goto L4 |
L3: |
t1 := y + z |
x := t1 |
goto L1 |
L4: |
t2 := y - z |
x := t2 |
goto L1 |
Lnext: |
Next: Optimizations for the generated code
Up: Compiler Theory: Intermediate Code Generation
Previous: Three-Address Code
Marc Moreno Maza