(^)(x: %, n: NonNegativeInteger): % == (n < 0) => error "power: negative exponent"; n = 0 => 1; n = 1 => x; n = 2 => x*x; -- General code. i: SingleInteger := 0; l: SingleInteger := length n; u: % := 1; repeat { if bit(n, i) then u := u * x; if i >= l then break; x := x * x; i := i + 1; } u }Assume that in the interface MONOID the exponentiation has been defined as above. In the MONOID
(^)(x: %, n: NonNegativeInteger): % == { n := positiveRemainder(n,p); zero? n => 1; one? x => x; local acc: %; if odd? n then acc := x else acc := 1; repeat { n := shift(n,-1); zero? n => return acc; x := (x * x) mod p; if odd? n then acc := (acc * x) mod p; } }This will be made possible by INHERITANCE. In a polynomial ring R[x] one can do better too in some special cases depending on the coefficient ring, as we have seen before. This will be made possible by CONDITIONAL IMPLEMENTATION. We will see later how these conditional statements combined with POST-FACTO EXTENSIONS can be used for optimizing the source code.