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Algebraic categories

A MONOID is a set M endowed with an operation which is associative and which admits a neutral element. If this operation is commutative (that is ($ \forall$x, y $ \in$ Mxy = yx) then

otherwise Hence in the general case we have

($\displaystyle \forall$x, y, z $\displaystyle \in$ M) (xy)z  =  x(yz)    and    ($\displaystyle \forall$x $\displaystyle \in$ M) 1 x  = x 1. (38)

Here are the definition of the categories Monoid and AbelianMonoid in libalgebra.
define Monoid: Category == ExpressionType with {
        1: %;
        *: (%, %) -> %;
        ^: (%, Integer) -> %;
        one?: % -> Boolean;
        times!: (%, %) -> %;
        default {
                one?(a:%):Boolean       == a = 1;
                times!(a:%, b:%):% == {
                        a * b;

define AbelianMonoid: Category == ExpressionType with {
        0: %;
        +: (%, %) -> %;
        *: (Integer, %) -> %;
        add!: (%, %) -> %;
        zero?: % -> Boolean;
        default {
                zero?(x:%):Boolean      == x = 0;
                add!(a:%, b:%):% == {
                        a + b;

A GROUP is a monoid G where every element has a symmetric element. With multiplicative notations this writes

($\displaystyle \forall$x $\displaystyle \in$ G) ($\displaystyle \exists$y $\displaystyle \in$ Gxy = yx = 1. (39)

and symmetric elements are called inverses. With additive notations this writes

($\displaystyle \forall$x $\displaystyle \in$ G) ($\displaystyle \exists$y $\displaystyle \in$ Gx + y = y + x = 0. (40)

and symmetric elements are called opposites. Here are the definitions of Group and AbelianGroup in libalgebra
define Group: Category == Monoid with {
        /: (%, %) -> %;
       inv: % -> %;
       default (x:%) / (y:%):% == x * inv y;

define AbelianGroup: Category == Join(AdditiveType, AbelianMonoid)


In classical Algebra textbooks, the definition of a ring is more general (the multiplication may not have a neutral element, i.e. a 1 may not exist) but such rings are rare in Computer Algebra (although 2$ \mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}$ = {2n  |  n $ \in$ $ \mbox{${\mathbb Z}$}$} is an example of such rings). When a ring R has a multiplicative neutral element that we will denote 1R then we have the following properties and definitions. Here's a fragment (we skip some technical operations) of the definition of a Ring in libalgebra.
define Ring: Category == Join(AbelianGroup, ArithmeticType, Monoid) with {
        characteristic: Z;
        coerce: Z -> %;
        random: () -> %
                ((x: %) ^ (n: MachineInteger)): % == x^(n::Z);
                ((n: AldorInteger) * (x: %)): % == n::% * x;
                random(): % == random()$Z :: %;
                ((x: %) ^ (n: AldorInteger)): % == binaryExponentiation(x, n)$BinaryPowering(%,Z);

A ring is said commutative if its multiplication is commutative. Rational numbers, univariate polynomials over $ \mathbb {Z}$ are examples of commutative rings whereas rings of matrices are not commutative. In non-commutative rings a given element x may have a left-inverse y (thus yx = 1) but no right-inverse (i.e. no z such that xz = 1). In a commutative ring an element with inverse (right and left) is called a unit and its inverse is called its reciprocal.

Let R be a commutative ring. The element a $ \in$ R is an associate of the element b $ \in$ R if there exists a unit u $ \in$ R such that a = b u. The operation unitNormal below returns (b, v, u) given a such that a = b u and u v = 1. If this choice is canonical (that is if for every a and a' such that a' is associate with a the first field of unitNormal(a) is equal to that of unitNormal(a') then canonicalUnitNormal? returns true.

define CommutativeRing: Category == Ring with {
        canonicalUnitNormal?: Boolean
        unitNormal: % -> (%, %, %);
        reciprocal: % -> Partial(%);
        unit?: % -> Boolean;
        cutoff: MachineInteger -> MachineInteger

AN INTEGRAL DOMAIN is a ring with no zero-divisors, that is a ring where if the product of two elements is zero then at least of them must be zero. Let R be an integral domain. Let a, b, q1, q2 be in R. Assume that we have

a  =  b q1  =  b q2  and  b $\displaystyle \neq$ 0. (42)

Then b(q1 - q2) = 0. Since R is an integral domain we obtain q1 = q2. Therefore if b divides a then there is a unique q such that a = b q.
define IntegralDomain: Category ==  CommutativeRing with {
        exactQuotient: (%, %) -> Partial(%);

A GCD DOMAIN is an integral domain R where an operation gcd : (R, R) $ \longmapsto$ R is defined and satisfies the following properties

Two elements a, b $ \in$ R are coprime if gcd(a, b) = 1.

define GcdDomain: Category ==  IntegralDomain with {
        gcd: (%, %) -> %
        gcd!: (%, %) -> %
        gcd: Generator(%) -> %
        lcm: (%, %) -> %
        lcm: List(%) -> %
        gcdquo: (%, %) -> (%, %, %)
        gcdquo: List(%) -> (%, List(%))

UNIQUE FACTORIZATION DOMAINS. A nonzero nonunit p $ \in$ R is reducible if there are two nonunits c, d $ \in$ R such that p = c d, otherwise p is irreducible. Units are neither reducible nor irreducible. A nonzero nonunit p $ \in$ R is prime if for every c, d $ \in$ R we have we have

(p  |  cd )    $\displaystyle \Rightarrow$     (p  |  c  or  p  |  d ) (43)

The integral domain R is a Unique Factorization Domain (UFD for short) (or a factorial ring) if every nonzero nonunit a $ \in$ R can be written as a product of irreducible elements in a unique way up to reordering and multiplication by units.
define FactorizationRing: Category == GcdDomain with {

AN EUCLIDEAN DOMAIN is an integral domain R endowed with a function d : R $ \longmapsto$ $ \mbox{${\mathbb N}$}$  $ \cup$  { - $ \infty$} such that for all a, b $ \in$ R with b $ \neq$ 0 there exist q, r $ \in$ R such that

a  =  bq + r    and    d (r) < d (b). (44)

The elements q and r are called the quotient and the remainder of a w.r.t. b (although q and r may not be unique). The function d is called the Euclidean size.
define EuclideanDomain: Category == GcdDomain with {
        divide: (%, %) -> (%, %);
        quo: (%, %) -> %;
        rem: (%, %) -> %;
        euclid: (%, %) -> %;
        euclideanSize: % -> Integer;
        extendedEuclidean: (%, %) -> (%, %, %);
In the category EuclideanDomain above the operation euclid denotes the gcd computed by the Euclidean algorithm.

A FIELD is a ring (with unity) where every nonzero element is a unit. In libalgebra fields are commutative rings. Then it follows that they are also integral domains, gcd domains and Euclidean domains.

define Field: Category == Join(EuclideanDomain, Group) with {
        default {
                canonicalUnitNormal?:Boolean            == true;
                euclideanSize(a:%):Integer              == 0;
                unit?(x:%):Boolean                      == true;
                (a:%) quo (b:%):%                       == a / b;
                (a:%) rem (b:%):%                       == 0;
                gcd(a:%, b:%):%         == { zero? a and zero? b => 0; 1 }

                (a:%)^(n:Integer):% == {
                        import from BinaryPowering(%, Integer);
                        n > 0 => binaryExponentiation(a, n);
                        inv binaryExponentiation(a, -n);


Figure 3: The hierarchy of algebraic structures in libalgebra.


define FractionCategory(R: IntegralDomain): Category ==
      Join(IntegralDomain, Algebra R) with {
        if R has CharacteristicZero then CharacteristicZero;
        if R has FiniteCharacteristic then FiniteCharacteristic;

        denominator:    % -> R;
        numerator:      % -> R;

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Marc Moreno Maza