CS 4447/9545: Compiler Theory

Fall 2008

Course Notes Index

Module  1. Interpreters and Transformers [pdf]
Module  2. Syntax and Formal Languages (Overview) [pdf]
Module  3. Lexical Analysis [pdf]
Module  4. Parsing Algorithms 1 [pdf]
Module  5. Parsing Algorithms 1 -- Example [pdf]
Module  6. Parsing Algorithms 2 -- LR Parsing [pdf]
Module  6.1. LR Parsing Example [pdf]
Module  7. LR0 Parsing Tables Example [pdf]
Module  8. LR1 Parsing Tables Example [pdf]
Module  9. Scanning and Parsing Tools [pdf]
Module 10. JFlex and CUP [pdf]
Module 11. A Tour Through A Real Compiler [pdf]
Module 12. C Types in Java [pdf]
Module 13. Symbol Tables [pdf]
Module 14. Visitor Pattern [pdf]
Module 15. Type Inference [pdf]
Module 15.1. Offset Computation [pdf]
Module 16. OO Code Generation [pdf]
Module 17. Optimization I[pdf]
Module 18. Dataflow Analysis[pdf]
Module 19. Dominators and Loops[pdf]
Module 20. Tail Calls and Continuations[pdf]
Module 21. Using Registers[pdf]

© Copyright 2001-2008 Stephen M. Watt