
Keynote Speech - Dr. Oleg Golubitsky, Google Waterloo
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Oleg Golubitsky received a PhD in Mathematics from Moscow State University and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of New Brunswick. He held the position of Assistant Professor at UNB and postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Pisa, Queen's University and the University of Western Ontario (ORCCA lab 2003 - 2006). Dr. Golubitsky has done research in the areas of computer algebra, differential algebra, artificial intelligence, mathematical handwriting recognition, quantum computing, and algebraic design. He competed in and coached teams for the World Finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. Currently, Dr. Golubitsky is a Software Engineer at Google.

Dr. Golubitsky's keynote speech will take place on Monday April 10th at 11:25 am in MC 105B . Please join us to welcome Dr. Golubistsky to the 25th Annual Conference - UWORCS 2017.

Event Time:
April 10, 2017 8:30am-5:00pm
Middlesex College, University of Western Ontario
Closed Now