Fast Polynomial Multiplication based on the Discrete Fourier Transform

In the whole section we consider a commutative ring $ R$ with units. Let us consider two univariate polynomials $ f,g \in R[x]$ of degree less than $ n$ . Then their product has degree less than $ 2n - 1$ . Assume that we are given a finite subset $ P$ of $ R$ with $ 2 \, n - 1$ elements such that $ f(r)$ and $ g(r)$ are known for every $ r \in R$ . Then the values $ f(r) \, g(r)$ define the polynomial $ f \, g$ completely. Indeed, by Lagrange interpolation we construct the polynomial $ f \, g$ (which has at most $ 2n - 1$ coefficients) from the $ 2 \, n - 1$ values $ f(r) \, g(r)$ . Observe that the cost of defining $ f \, g$ by the values $ f(r) \, g(r)$ is $ 2 \, n - 1$ , which is cheap!

However if we need information about $ f \, g$ such as its leading coefficient or its number of terms we need to compute the coefficients of $ f \, g$ . The cost of this construction is in $ {\cal O}(n^2)$ .

The underlying idea of the fast polynomial multiplication based on the discrete Fourier transform is the following. Assume that there exists a subset $ P$ of $ R$ with $ 2 \, n - 1$ elements such that

Then the multiplication of $ f$ by $ g$ , represented by their coefficients, can be done in $ {\cal O}(n \, {\log}(n))$ .

Such sets $ P$ do not always exist. This depends on the ring $ R$ and the degrees of the polynomials $ f$ and $ g$ . However many finite fields possess such sets for small enough degrees of $ f$ and $ g$ . For the arbitrary ring $ R$ , it can be shown that the multiplication of $ f$ nad $ g$ , represented by their coefficients, can be done in $ {\cal O}(n \, {\log}(n) {\log}({\log}(n)))$ .

Marc Moreno Maza