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(42) |
Conversly, it is known from finite field theory that Gp-1
Gp-1 = {1,
Recall that
= 1
Then we have
= 1.
For all 0 < k < n
< p - 1
This shows that
We could use brute force. Given
However we can reduce the complexity of this search by
computing a generator of Gp-1
![]() ![]() |
(47) |
1 < n < p - 1 and ![]() |
(48) |
![]() ![]() |
(49) |
p = q 2k + 1 | (50) |
But not all numbers of the form
q 2k + 1
![]() |
(51) |
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(52) |
x = 231
In the BasicMath library, one of the parents of libalgebra, nice primes are organized in tables. So there is a category for tables of primes!
macro SI == SingleInteger; PrimesTableCategory(s: SI): Category == with { sizeBound: () -> SI; tableSize: () -> SI; rank: SI -> Partial(SI); maxPrime: () -> SI; minPrime: () -> SI; previousPrime: SI -> SI; nextPrime: SI -> SI; primes: () -> Generator(SI); FourierDegree: SI -> SI; getPrimeOfFourierDegree: SI -> SI; nextPrimeOfFourierDegree: (SI, SI) -> SI; unitsGenerator: SI -> SI; primitiveRootofUnity: (SI, SI) -> SI; }where
macro SI == SingleInteger; FourierPrimesTableCategory(r: SI, s: SI): Category == with { FourierDegree: () -> SI sizeBound: () -> SI tableSize: () -> SI rank: SI -> Partial(SI) maxPrime: () -> SI minPrime: () -> SI previousPrime: SI -> SI nextPrime: SI -> SI primes: () -> Generator(SI) unitsGenerator: SI -> SI primitiveRootofUnity: (SI, SI) -> SI }whereFourierPrimesTableCategory(r,s) specifies the operations that we expect from the table of Fourier primes p
F6P15: FourierPrimesTableCategory(6,15) == add { local fd: SI == 6; local sb: SI == 15; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (6,15) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^6 -- Number of 6-Fourier primes less than 2^15 is 58 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 58; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [193, 449, 577, 1217, 1601, 2113, 2753, 3137, 4289, 4673, 4801, 5441, 5569, 5953, 6337, 6977, 7489, 7873, 8513, 8641, 9281, 10177, 10433, 11329, 11969, 12097, 13121, 13249, 13633, 14401, 14657, 15809, 15937, 16193, 17729, 19009, 19777, 20161, 20929, 21313, 21569, 22721, 23873, 24001, 25153, 25409, 25537, 25793, 26177, 26561, 27073, 27329, 27457, 28097, 29633, 29761, 30529, 32321]; -- The corresponding units generators are: local generatorList: Array SingleInteger := [5, 3, 5, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3, 7, 3, 13, 7, 10, 3, 7, 5, 5, 17, 3, 7, 3, 7, 3, 5, 7, 7, 5, 11, 3, 3, 7, 5, 3, 23, 11, 13, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 14, 10, 3, 10, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3, 7, 3, 3, 17, 13, 6]; FourierDegree(): SI == fd; sizeBound(): SI == sb; tableSize(): SI == MAXINDEX; .............................................. }
F7P15: FourierPrimesTableCategory(7,15) == add { local fd: SI == 7; local sb: SI == 15; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (7,15) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^7 -- Number of 7-Fourier primes less than 2^15 is 29 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 29; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [641, 1153, 1409, 2689, 3457, 4481, 4993, 6529, 7297, 9601, 9857, 10369, 11393, 12161, 13441, 13697, 15233, 16001, 18049, 19073, 19841, 20353, 21121, 21377, 26497, 28289, 29569, 30593, 31873]; -- The corresponding units generators are: local generatorList: Array SingleInteger := [3, 5, 3, 19, 7, 3, 5, 7, 5, 13, 5, 13, 3, 3, 11, 3, 3, 3, 13, 3, 3, 5, 19, 3, 5, 6, 17, 3, 11]; FourierDegree(): SI == fd; sizeBound(): SI == sb; tableSize(): SI == MAXINDEX; ...........................................................
F8P15: FourierPrimesTableCategory(8,15) == add { local fd: SI == 8; local sb: SI == 15; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (8,15) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^8 -- Number of 8-Fourier primes less than 2^15 is 12 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 12; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [257, 769, 3329, 7937, 9473, 14081, 14593, 22273, 23297, 26881, 30977, 31489]; -- The corresponding units generators are: local generatorList: Array SingleInteger := [3, 11, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 11, 3, 7]; FourierDegree(): SI == fd; sizeBound(): SI == sb; tableSize(): SI == MAXINDEX; ...........................................................
9P23: FourierPrimesTableCategory(9,23) == add { local fd: SI == 9; local sb: SI == 23; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (9,23) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^9 -- Number of 9-Fourier primes less than 2^23 is 1092 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 1092; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [7681, 10753, 11777, 17921, 23041, 26113, 32257, ...........................................................
F10P24: FourierPrimesTableCategory(10,24) == add { local fd: SI == 10; local sb: SI == 24; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (10,24) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^10 -- Number of 10-Fourier primes less than 2^24 is 1087 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 1087; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [13313, 15361, 19457, 25601, ...........................................................
F11P25: FourierPrimesTableCategory(11,25) == add { local fd: SI == 11; local sb: SI == 25; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (11,25) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^11 -- Number of 11-Fourier primes less than 2^25 is 978 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 978; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [18433, ...........................................................
F12P26: FourierPrimesTableCategory(12,26) == add { local fd: SI == 12; local sb: SI == 26; -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Table (12,26) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maximal size for a FFT: 2^12 -- Number of 12-Fourier primes less than 2^26 is 972 MAXINDEX: SingleInteger == 972; -- These Fourier primes are: local primeList: Array SingleInteger := [12289, ...........................................................