Exercise 2.

We consider the following algorithm, which computes the gcd of two integer numbers.

$ {\gcd}(a: {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}},b: {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}): {\mbox{${\mathbb{Z}}$}}$

1 if $ a = b$ then return $ a$
2 if $ a \equiv 0 \mod{2}$ and $ b\equiv 0 \mod{2}$ then return $ {\gcd}(a/2, b/2)$
3 if $ a \equiv 0 \mod{2}$ and $ b\equiv 1 \mod{2}$ then return $ {\gcd}(a/2, b)$
3 if $ a \equiv 1 \mod{2}$ and $ b\equiv 0 \mod{2}$ then return $ {\gcd}(a, b/2)$
4 if $ a > b$ then return $ {\gcd}((a-b)/2,b)$ else return $ {\gcd}((b-a)/2,a)$

  1. Let $ n_a$ and $ n_b$ the number of bits (in binary-expansion) of $ a$ and $ b$ respectively. Give an upper bound for the number of reursive calls needed to compute $ {\gcd}(a,b)$ ?
  2. Give an upper bound for the number of machine word operations needed for computing $ {\gcd}(a,b)$ .

Answer 2  
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Answer 3  
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Marc Moreno Maza