Next: Hints.
Up: The Assignment
Previous: Exercise 3
The goal of this exercise is to write a desk calculator
for regular languages.
The user can
- either define a regular language by means of
a regular expression,
- or submit a query about a defined language.
The representation of a defined language
in the desk calculator is a finite automaton.
Nota bene.
We assume in the rest of the text that these
automata are deterministic and complete
(leading to the use of an error state).
However you can use non-deterministic automata
with or without instantaneous transitions.
In that case you should adapt the specifications
of the desk calculator.
The syntax of the definition of a language is
variable := language
- variable stands for an identifier (use the
pattern of the second exercise)
- language is of one of the six forms
- language
- language
- language
- ( language )
- variable
- { expression }
where expression is a regular expression
(in the sense of the course) over the alphabet
consisting of the lower cases letters and the digits.
The possible queries are
- The in
- query which asks whether a word
belongs or not to a language. The syntax is
"word" in language
where word is a word (in the mathematical sense) over
and in is a keyword.
- The states
- query which asks what are the states
of the automaton representing the language.
The syntax is
states language
- The initial
- state query which asks what is the
initial state of the automaton representing the language.
The syntax is
initial language
- The finals
- query which asks what are the final states
of the automaton representing the language.
The syntax is
finals language
Here's a session with such a desk calculator.
The prompt for the input line is ? and the
prompt for the output line is =.
? L1 := {a(a|b)*}
= defined L1
? L2 := {(a|b)*b}
= defined L2
? L3 := L1.L2
= defined L3
? "abba" in L3
= false
? "abbab" in L3
= true
? states L3
= [0,1,2,error]
? initial L3
= 0
? finals L3
= [2]
? transitions L3
= (0, a, 1), (0, b, error), (1, a, 1),
(1, b, 2), (2, a, 1), (2, b, 2)
We give now a more detailed description of
the possible commands by illustrative examples.
- L1 := {a}
- Assigns L1 to the language consisting
of the single word a.
- L2 := L1*
- Assigns L2 to the star of the language L1.
Hence L2 consists of all possible sequences of a,
including the empty word.
- L3 := L1.L2
- Assigns L3 to the product of the languages L1
and L2. Hence L3 consists of all possible
sequences of a, except the empty word.
- L4 := {b}
- Assigns L4 to the language consisting
of the single word b.
- L5 := L1|L4
- Assigns L5 to the union of the languages L1
and L4. Hence L5 consists of the words
a and b.
- "" in L3
- Returns true iff the empty word belongs to
L3. In our context the answer will be false.
- "aaa" in L3
- Returns true iff the word aaa belongs to
L3 which is the case in our context.
- states L5
- Returns a list of the states of the automaton representing
L5. This could be [0, 1 , error].
- initial L5
- Returns the initial state of the automaton representing
L5. This could be 0.
- finals L5
- Returns the final states of the automaton representing
L5. This could be [1].
- transitions L5
- Returns the transitions of the automaton representing
L5. This could be (0, a, 1), (0, b, 1),
(1, a, error), (1, b, error).
Next: Hints.
Up: The Assignment
Previous: Exercise 3
Marc Moreno Maza