Next: Invariant Code Motion
Up: Compiler Theory: Code Optimization
Previous: Global Copy Propagation and Dead
- We look for statements a:=b op c where
- b op c is in the list of available expressions at the start of the block where
a:=b op c appears, and
- b,c have not been defined earlier in the block.
- We look for an earlier evaluation of a statement d:=b op c
- However, we cannot just use the value of d because the available expression may actually have come along a completely different route.
- This problem can be solved by storing the value of each occurrence of the available expression (in different parts of the program) into the same temporary variable t and then use the value of the temporary.
- This process generates new copy statements, but these can usually be eliminated using further copy propagation and deadcode elimination.
- Find all statements S: a := b op c occurring in a basic block B such that
- b op c is available at Entry(B), and
- B contains no earlier definition for b or c.
- For each statement S found in the previous step,
- allocate a temporary variable t, and
- from block B search backwards along all possible paths the previous statement d := b op c, and immediately after it insert the statement t := d.
- Replace the statement S by a := t.
EXERCISE. Apply the previous algorithm to Figure 11.
Figure 11:
A control flow graph.
\end{figure}](img41.png) |
- The statement t4 := a-b is found in stage (i) of the algorithm.
- Searching backwards, the unique previous evaluation in statment 4.
- So, after Statement 4, we insert t5 := t1 and
statement 12 is replaced by t4 := t5.
- After new copy propagation and dead code elimination, line 12 is
After applying these transformations, we obtain the control flow graph
of Figure 12.
Figure 12:
A control flow graph.
\end{figure}](img42.png) |
Obviously, one would like to move out the first two lines of the basic block B2.
This will be achieved using Invariant Code Motion to be described now.
Next: Invariant Code Motion
Up: Compiler Theory: Code Optimization
Previous: Global Copy Propagation and Dead
Marc Moreno Maza