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Up: Grammars and Parsing
Previous: An introduction to the notion
A GRAMMAR is quadruple
(VT, VN, S, P) such that
- VT is a finite set of symbols called terminals,
- VN is a finite set of symbols called non-terminals,
- S is a distinguished non-terminal called start-symbol,
- P is a finite set of couples
called productions where
VN) * and
does not belong
(VT) * .
In other words a production is made of two words over
the alphabet
VN such that
the first word contains at least one non-terminal symbol.
The set
VN is called the set
of grammar symbols.
Notation 1
Here are some usual notational conventions about grammars.
- It is convenient to denote a production
instead of
- By default, the following symbols are terminals:
lower-case letters, arithmetic operators, punctuation symbols,
digits and boldface strings (if, id, ...).
- By default, the following symbols are non-terminals:
upper-case letters early in the alphabet such as
A, B, C,...,
the letter S (for the start-symbol), lower-case italic names
such as stmt, expr.
- By default, the following symbols are grammar symbols:
upper-case letters late in the alphabet such as X, Y, Z
- By default, strings of terminals are denoted by
lower-case letters late in the alphabet such as u, v, w.
- By default, strings of grammar symbols are denoted by
lower-case Greek letters early in the alphabet
such as
- By default, the start symbol is the left side of the first production.
- If
, ...
are all the productions with A
as their left side (these productions are called A-productions)
then we can write
| ... |
The sequence
| ... |
is called the alternatives of A.
Example 2
Using the conventions of Notation
the grammar of Example
can be stated as follows
E |
E A E | (E) | -E | id |
A |
+ | - | * | / |  |
Remark 2
Grammars offer significant advantages to both language
designers and compiler writers. Among them
- A grammar gives a precise and easy to understand syntactic specification
of a programming language.
- From certain classes of grammars we can automatically
construct an efficient parser that determines if a source
program is syntactically well formed.
- Developing a language given by a grammar
(adding or removing constructs) is easy.
G = (VT, VN, S, P) be a grammar
and let
be two strings of grammar symbols for G.
We say that
derives from
in one step
and we write
if there exist strings of grammar symbols
, such that


is a production of G.
The transitive and reflexive closure of the
over the sets of grammar symbols is denoted by

Thus for two grammar symbols
we have

means that
derives from
in a finite number of steps.
A sequence of strings of grammar symbols
is a DERIVATION if we have
G = (VT, VN, S, P) be a grammar.
The language over VT generated by G and denoted by L(G)
is the set of the words w of
VT * such that
The words of L(G) are called the sentences of G.
More generally any string of grammar symbols
such that
is called
a sentential form of G.
A language L over the alphabet
= VT is said
formal if there exists a grammar G such that
L is generated by G.
Observe that
- Some languages are not formal like natural languages.
- Two different sequences of derivations-in-one-step can
lead to the same sentential form.
- Moreover, two different grammars can generate the same language.
These last two observations are illustrated by
Example 3.
Example 3
Let us consider again arithmetic expressions.
For simplicity we consider only two operations + and *.
Our language L can be generated by the grammar G1:
expr |
expr + expr | expr * expr | (expr) | id |
And also by the grammar G2:
expr |
expr + term | term |
term |
term * factor | factor |
factor |
(expr) | id |
Consider now the arithmetic expression
Two different sequences of derivations-in-one-step of G1 can lead to it:
This is sketched
by the trees of Figure 2, called parse trees.
Figure 2:
Two parse trees for the same sentence.
\end{figure}](img42.png) |
With G2 several derivations-in-one-step can lead to
However they all correspond to the same tree
shown on Figure 3.
Figure 3:
The parse tree of
with G2.
\end{figure}](img44.png) |
This notion of a parse tree is formalized later.
NON-TERMINALS can be seen as syntactic variables
that denote the sets of strings that can be derived from them.
They also impose a hierarchical structure on the language
that is useful for both syntax analysis and translation.
Moreover Example 3
shows that an accurate use of non-terminals can reduce
Next: Chomsky classification
Up: Grammars and Parsing
Previous: An introduction to the notion
Marc Moreno Maza