CS Main Office -- Virtual

March 19, 2020

Due to COVID-19 our office has moved virtual effective today. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Please see below for a listing of who to contact depending on your question:

Undergraduate/Academic Counselling Inquiries


Grad Program Inquiries:


General Inquiries:


Department Chair:

Hanan Lutfiyya (hanan@csd.uwo.ca)

Secretary to the Chair:

Dianne McFadzean (dianne@csd.uwo.ca)

Graduate Chair:

Marc Moreno Maza (moreno@csd.uwo.ca)

Graduate Affairs Coordinator:

Janice Wiersma (janice@csd.uwo.ca)

Undergraduate Chair:

Mahmoud El-Sakka (elsakka@csd.uwo.ca)

Undergraduate Program Coordinator:

Alexandra Bannon (abannon4@uwo.ca)

Administrative Officer    

Lindsay Bos (lbos2@uwo.ca)  

Bit by Bit Inquiries  




If you have any questions at all please contact us and someone will be happy to help you out.

All the best and stay safe!

Computer Science Department