Academic Advising

Before reaching out to Academic Advising, please be sure to familiarize yourself with the Academic Calendar and the Science Academic Advising website. Many of your questions may already be addressed on one or both of those online resources.

When to See a Department Academic Advisor

  • Special Permission

    Permission to waive normal Computer Science course or program requirements

  • Letter of Permission

    For having the Computer Science courses you want to take at another university evaluated prior to taking the course. Please pick up a form from your Dean's Office prior to seeing a Department Advisor. Office of the Registrar - Letter of Permission Information can be found here
    Note: You will still require final approval from your Faculty Academic Advisor for the LOP

  • Transcript Evaluations

    Evaluations of Computer Science courses completed in a prior degree. You must provide a copy (does not have to be an original copy ) of your transcript for evaluation. Course outlines for may also be required.

  • Recommendations for Advance Standing

    For Computer Science courses taken at another university or college. You must provide a copy (does not have to be an original copy ) of your transcript for evaluation. Course outline for may also be required. Office of the Registrar - Letter of Permission Information can be found here

  • General Inquiries

    Any questions related to course/program selection/requirements

When to See a Faculty Academic Advisor

  • Special Permissions

    Permissions other than those pertaining to Computer Science course or program requirements- ex. Course overload, to waive normal degree requirements, etc.

  • Letter of Permission

    For taking courses at another university

  • Academic Accommodations

    Due to illness, bereavement, or other circumstances beyond your control that affect your academic performance

  • Special Examination

    For deferred final exams

  • Grade-Point Waiver

    A waiver used when required to withdraw from the University for insufficient grade points in first or second year or for too many failures on your record you may request a grade-point waiver of the Dean of your Faculty of Registration

  • Questions

    General questions relating to progression requirements, university regulations, appeal procedures, etc.

  • Graduation Problems

    Any issues related to graduation.

Faculty of Science Academic Advising FAQ

Computer Science Academic Advising

To obtain academic advising from the Computer Science Department, please log in with your Western username and password below and open a support ticket. Our typical response time is 2-5 business days.

To help us get to your ticket as soon as we can, please do not open more than one ticket at a time, and only reply back to an unanswered ticket with updates.

Open a SUPPORT Ticket       


Same Day Zoom Drop-Ins

For quick questions, we will be offering 10-minute drop-in zoom meetings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at 1:30-2:30pm.***

Log-in to your Western Zoom account and use the link posted here to join the waiting room. Students are admitted in the order they arrive in the waiting room.

Meeting ID: 941 6715 1256

Passcode: 267617

***Upcoming Service Disruptions: There will be no drop-in between Dec 23 and January 6. Drop-ins will run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, for the week of January 6th. There will be no Zoom drop-in availability on Friday, January 10th. 


Special Permission

Special permission is needed from the Department of Computer Science to waive normal course or program requirements. We do not give permissions to waive prerequisite requirements for foundational courses (i.e. those required by all CS modules) or module admission requirements, other than in very unique circumstances. For all other special permissions (timetable overloads, repeating courses over the attempt limit, etc.), see an Academic Advisor in your home faculty. 

Note: Special permissions are contingent upon approval of your Dean's Office.


Course Equivalency Evaluations

An evaluation for course equivalency may be needed for students in a variety of circumstances including:

  • Transfer students from other post-secondary institutions
  • Students wishing to take a course on a Letter of Permission at another post-secondary institutions
  • Students planning to study abroad through the exchange program

Note: Course Equivalency Evaluations are done in consultation with all relevant faculty to a given course.


Computer Science Academic Advising Ticket Personnel

Lisa Moszczynski - Primary Contact
Undergraduate Coordinator

Office: Middlesex College, MC 351

Sara Willemse - Graduation Checks and General Inquiries
Administrative Assistant

Office: Middlesex College, MC 355

Spenser Henstock
Administrative Assistant

Office: Middlesex College, MC 352