AI Transforms Job Portal

June 25, 2024

When computer science professor Anwar Haque first connected with the London Economic Development Corporation (LEDC), the organization and its member companies were manually populating its job board with postings. 

It meant staff spent time copying and pasting employment opportunities and formatting them to fit with the style of LEDC’s central job board. As London saw rapid population growth, job postings were exploding. 

Haque knew he could create a better solution. 

“It was a very laborous job. Imagine all these companies are posting jobs on a daily basis, and each has a different format. You only have a couple of people to convene all of them, digest them and post them on the LEDC website in a unified style; it’s impossible to do that in real time,” Haque said.

So, Haque, along with his PhD student Muhammad Zakar, built the answer using artificial intelligence (AI). 




For the full article, please see the  Western News Article