Umair Rehman

Assistant Professor
Office: Middlesex College 365
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 86962
Social Media: LinkedIn
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I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Western University, where I also direct the Human-Centered Computing Group (HCCG). I hold an MASc and PhD in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo.
My research group conducts interdisciplinary studies in interactive computing systems, focusing on three areas: entertainment computing (video games and related social technologies), human-centered artificial intelligence, and systems in complex environments. We blend Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and cognitive engineering methods to develop systems that balance entertainment and productivity, tailored to human needs and constraints. We also consider ethical and administrative aspects of human-technology interaction to create effective, ethical, and user-centered systems.
Research Interests
- Human-Centered Computing
- Video Games
- Human-AI Interaction
- Sociotechnical Systems
Selected Publications
- Rehman, U., & Cao, S. (2016). Augmented-reality-based indoor navigation: A comparative analysis of handheld devices versus google glass. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 47(1), 140-151.
- Rehman, U., & Cao, S. (2020). Comparative evaluation of augmented reality-based assistance for procedural tasks: a simulated control room study. Behaviour & Information Technology, 39(11), 1225-1245.
- Rehman, U., Cao, S., & MacGregor, C. (2019, November). Using an integrated cognitive architecture to model the effect of environmental complexity on drivers’ situation awareness. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 812-816). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Rehman, U., Shah, M. U., Abbasi, A. Z., Hlavacs, H., & Iftikhar, R. (2022). Investigating male gamers' behavioral intention to play PUBG: Insights from playful-consumption experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 909875.
- Abbasi, A. Z., Rehman, U., Afaq, Z., Rafeh, M. A., Hlavacs, H., Mamun, M. A., & Shah, M. U. (2021). Predicting video game addiction through the dimensions of consumer video game engagement: quantitative and cross-sectional study. JMIR serious games, 9(4), e30310.
- Shah, M. U., Rehman, U., Iqbal, F., & Ilahi, H. (2022). Exploring the human factors in moral dilemmas of autonomous vehicles. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 26(5), 1321-1331.
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