Bryan Sarlo

Office: Middlesex College 361
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x81417
Bryan Sarlo has been a Computer Science lecturer at Western since Fall 2017. He mainly teaches first and second year courses: CS1033, CS1027, and CS2033. He also teaches Python to non-CS students in the Western Integrated Science (WISc) program. Bryan wrote a digital textbook on multimedia topics, specifically for his CS1033 class.
Bryan received his BSc degree in Computer Science from Nipissing University, where he had the privilege of publishing articles and presenting research at conferences as an undergraduate student. He received his MSc in Computer Science from Western with a thesis with the theme of AI in video game development, supervised by Dr. Mike Katchabaw.
Research Interests
Video game development
Selected Publications
Sarlo, B. B., Foster, A. E. L., Wachowiak, M. P. A Visualization Framework for Simulation Fuel Consumption Through Serious Games. 2012 17th International Conference on Computer Games (CGAMES), pp. 103-107, 2012.
Wachowiak, M. P., Sarlo, B. B. Interactive Visualization of Dynamic and High-Dimensional Particle Swarm Behavior. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 770-775, 2013.
Wachowiak, M. P., Sarlo, B. B., Lambe Foster, A. E. High-Dimensional Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization on Heterogeneous Systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 540 012007 (9pp), 2014.
Sarlo, Bryan. An Approach To Artificial Society Generation For Video Games (2015). University of Western Ontario - Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. Paper 2808.
Sarlo, Bryan and Katchabaw, Mike. Artificial Society Generation for Modern Video Games. Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Games, Entertainment, and Media Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 2015.
Sarlo, Bryan. Multimedia and Communications. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, 2018.
Graduate Student Teaching Award – 2014 - UWO
Professional Activities and Industry Links
Undergraduate Affairs Committee – 2020 to present