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The resultant

For univariate polynomials f, g over a field the following lemma says that it is possible to find polynomials s, t such that sf + tg = 0, deg(s) < deg(g), deg(t) < deg(f ) if and only if gcd(f, g) $ \neq$ 1.

Lemma 1   Let f, g $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] be nonzero polynomials over the field k. Then the following statements are equivalent.

Proof. Let h = gcd(f, g). If h $ \neq$ 1 then deg(h) $ \geq$ 1 and a solution is

(s, t)  =  (g/h, - f /h) (25)

Conversely, let (s, t) be a solution. Assume that f and g are coprime. Then sf = - tg would imply f | t. This is impossible since t $ \neq$ 0 and deg(t) < deg(f ). Hence f and g are not coprime and gcd(f, g) $ \neq$ 1 holds. $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 7   Given f, g $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] nonzero polynomials of degrees n, m respectively we consider the map

$\displaystyle \phi$ :  $\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \begin{array}{lll} {\bf k}[x] \times {\bf k}[x] ...
...tarrow & {\bf k}[x] \\  (s,t) & \longmapsto & s f + tg \\  \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{lll} {\bf k}[x] \times {\bf k}[x] & \rightarrow & {\bf k}[x] \\  (s,t) & \longmapsto & s f + tg \\  \end{array}$ (26)

For d $ \in$ $ \mbox{${\mathbb N}$}$ $ \setminus$ {0} we define

Pd  =  {p $\displaystyle \in$ $\displaystyle \bf k$[x]  |  deg(p) < d} (27)

with the convention that

P0  =  {0} (28)

The restriction of $ \phi$ to  Pm×Pn  $ \rightarrow$  Pn+m is a linear map $ \phi_{{0}}^{{}}$ between vector spaces of finite dimension.

Proposition 4   Let f, g $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] nonzero polynomials of degrees n, m such that n + m > 0. Then we have:

Proof. From Lemma 1 we deduce that the kernel of $ \phi_{{0}}^{{}}$ is reduced to {0} iff gcd(f, g) = 1. Since both Pm×Pn and Pn+m have dimension n + m this proves the first claim. The second claim is a consequence of the first one. $ \qedsymbol$

Remark 8   Let's carry on with f, g nonzero univariate polynomials in x of degrees n, m such that n + m > 0. However let us relax the hypothesis on the coefficient ring by assuming that it is just a commutative ring R with identity element. Let us write:

f  =  fnxn + ... + f0    and    g  =  gmxm + ... + g0 (30)

The natural basis for Pm×Pn consists of the (xi, 0) for 0 $ \leq$ i < m followed by the (0, xj) for 0 $ \leq$ j < m. On this basis $ \phi_{{0}}^{{}}$ is represented by the following matrix

$\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{ \begin{array}{cccccccc} f_0 & 0 &\cdots & 0 & g_...
... \ddots & \\  0 &\cdots & 0 & f_n & 0 &\cdots &0 & g_m \\  \end{array} }\right.$$\displaystyle \begin{array}{cccccccc} f_0 & 0 &\cdots & 0 & g_0 & 0 &\cdots & 0...
...&\ddots & \ddots & \\  0 &\cdots & 0 & f_n & 0 &\cdots &0 & g_m \\  \end{array}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \begin{array}{cccccccc} f_0 & 0 &\cdots & 0 & g_...
... \ddots & \\  0 &\cdots & 0 & f_n & 0 &\cdots &0 & g_m \\  \end{array} }\right)$ (31)

where all entries outside of the parallelograms are equal to zero.

Definition 4   The above square matrix of order n + m is denoted Sylv(f, g) and called the Sylvester matrix of f and g. Its determinant is called the resultant of f and g denoted by res(f, g). We make the following conventions.

Proposition 5   Let f, g $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] be nonzero univariate polynomials over a field $ \bf k$. Then the following statements are equivalent
  1. gcd(f, g) = 1.
  2. res(f, g) $ \neq$ 0.
  3. there do not exist any s, t $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] $ \setminus$ {0} such that

    sf + tg = 0,  deg(s) < deg(g)    and    deg(t) < deg(f ). (32)

Proof. This follows from Proposition 4 and the fact that res(f, g) is a determinant of the linear map $ \phi_{{0}}^{{}}$. $ \qedsymbol$

Proposition 6   Let f, g $ \in$ R[x] be nonzero univariate polynomials over a UFD R. Then we have

gcd(f, g) $\displaystyle \in$ R    $\displaystyle \iff$    res(f, g) $\displaystyle \neq$ 0. (33)

Proof. This follows from the adaptation of the results of Lemma 1 and Proposition 4 to the case where the ground ring is a UFD (and in particular an integral domain) instead of a field. $ \qedsymbol$

Proposition 7   Let f, g $ \in$ R[x] be nonzero univariate polynomials over an integral domain R. Then there exist nonzero s, t $ \in$ R[x] such that

sf + tg = res(f, g),  deg(s) < deg(g)    and    deg(t) < deg(f ). (34)

Proof. Let $ \bf k$ be the field of fractions of R. If res(f, g) = 0 then we know that there exist s, t $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] $ \setminus$ {0} such that

sf + tg = 0,  deg(s) < deg(g)    and    deg(t) < deg(f ). (35)

Then the claim follows by cleaning up the denominators.

If res(f, g) $ \neq$ 0 then f and g are coprime in $ \bf k$[x]. Then there exists u, v $ \in$ $ \bf k$[x] with stated degree bounds such that uf + vg = 1 holds in $ \bf k$[x]. Observe that

Then the polynomials s = res(f, gu and t = res(f, gv have coefficients in R and we have the desired relations. $ \qedsymbol$

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Marc Moreno Maza