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Exercise 2.

Let k, n be two non-negative integers with n > 0. Let a, b $ \in$ $ \mbox{${\mathbb Q}$}$[x] with respective degrees n + k and n. Let D(n, k) the number of operations in $ \mathbb {Q}$ needed in order to compute the quotient q and the remainder r of a by b The polynomial b may not be monic.
  1. If k = 0, how many operations in $ \mathbb {Q}$ are needed to compute q only? What is D(n, 0)?
  2. If k = 1, show that one can compute q in at most 4 operations in $ \mathbb {Q}$. What is D(n, 1)?
  3. How many operations in $ \mathbb {Q}$ for computing q only if k = 2? What is D(n, 2)?
  4. Let Q(n, k) be the number operations in $ \mathbb {Q}$ for computing q only. Estimate Q(n, k) and D(n, k).

Answer 2  
\begin{minipage}{13 cm}
First, observe that the degree of $q$\ is $k$.
\end{itemize} Hence $D(n,1) = (2n +1) 2$.

Answer 3  
\begin{minipage}{15 cm}
\item If $k=2$, computing $q$\ ...
... can save
a substantial time by avoiding the computation of $r$.

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Marc Moreno Maza